Because of My Podcast: Dave Edition

My last day at Libsyn was July 12th, 2024. I'm starting a new chapter in my podcasting career, and so to announce the next chapter, I thought it might be fun (and maybe inspirational? ) for newbies to see what is possible with a podcast. Last week I talked about my journey through technology. I explained that where I am now is NOT where I started and it took years to get here. Today I'm talking about the most important benefit of podcasting (and it's not money, or fame). It's relationships.

You will see that one teacher gave me a nudge. Once I started podcasting (because it was WAY HARDER in 2005), when I wasn't working on making GREAT content, I was working on growing my network through relationships. I am still in contact with many of those today.

Your Podcast Leads To Opportunities

You are seen as an expert (no matter if you want to be or not) and that positioning leads to opportunities. Those opportunities lead to relationships. Those new relationships lead to more opportunities. If you DON'T QUIT, the wheel keeps turning. It does not happen overnight, and it might take years. Some might say I have first mover advantage. Let's say that is true. So did a whole lot of other people. There is one big difference. I didn't quit. I'm still here. 

Opportunities Lead to Relationships

I had Spreaker, Blubrry, and Libsyn representatives on my show. I would see these people at events. Your podcast can be a digital resume. When the New Media Expo needed a new head for their podcasting track, all of these hosting companies had one name they recommended: Dave Jackson.

A Quick Timeline

Start Your PodcastI Launched the Musicians Cooler Podcast (later rebranded to the Marketing Musician Podcast).
I met Marcus Couch, who gets me involved with Podshow (later Mevio) run by Adam Curry and Ron Bloom
I launch the School of Podcasting.
I got a job at Chancellor University because I said one of my hobbies was podcasting.

I join Rob Walch, Gary Leland, and Paul Colligan for the “Today in Podcasting” show.

I am mentioned on page 148 of the book Podcasting for Profit by Leesa Barnes.

When I'm not podcasting, I'm working on building relationships with my audience and fellow podcasters.

Join Ray Ortega and Daniel J. Lewis for the Podcasters Roundtable. I have many people find my show by joining forces with my “Competition.”

Self Publish the Kindle book More Podcast Money

October Named the Director of Podcasting for the New Media Expo

I spoke at the First Podcast Movement. I met Glenn Hebert, who knows Chris Krimitsos who launched Podfest in 2015


Speak at the first Podfest.

I'm hired at Libsyn, starting in Support and eventually the Head of Podcast Education.

I speak anywhere someone asks.

I win Best Technology Award for the People Choice Podcast Awards

Inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame

I'm the first podcaster to be roasted at Podfest. 

I fly to Australia to speak at the We Are Podcast and hang with some of my favorites, such as Jordan Harbinger, Harry Durran, Pat Flynn, and many more.

Speak at Social Media Marketing World – partially by luck and knowing Pat Flynn and being in the right place at the right time. I now know Michael Stelzner.


I get a book deal with Skyhorse Publish to write “Profit From Your Podcast.” I negotiate to have 100% of the audio rights.


I am a winner at the Podcast Awards for Best Technology podcast.

Profit From Your Podcast is released


I am now consulting clients, and podcasting companies are hiring me for consulting.


I share the Stage With Adam Curry at the Spark Conference

Awarded Podcaster Influencer of the Year – Podcast Awards


Because of my podcast I am offered a position doing what I love (helping podcasters, teaching, tutorials, etc) for more money. Listen to find out where I landed.

Mentioned In This Episode

Join the School of Podcasting

Today in Podcasting

Podcasters Roundtable

More Podcast Money

Podcasting for Profit

Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame

Podcast Awards

The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary

The Audience is Listening – Tom Webster

Daily Podcast Tips

Daily Podcast Tips! Put Your Inbox to Work

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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