The step of every journey starts with a single step. You've gone to great lengths to make a good episode. Now you're ready to promote your show, and everyone says “find your audience,” but how? Today I do a couple quick Google searches and show you what I came up with for a friend who has a podcast that is a book of fiction (super niche). We also talk about dealing with “trolls” who leave negative comments on your blog posts, etc.
If you are thinking about speaking at New Media Expo, you need to get your submission in BEFORE 10/24. I give some tips on what I'm looking for at my blog.
Interview With an Internet Troll [3:40]
There will be people who hate everything you do. They have nothing nice to say, and in some cases will use very offensive words. But keep in mind:
1. They don't have the courage to do what you do (create content). They only tell you how bad your content is.
2. Many times they do it in an anonymous fashion (again, lack of courage).
3. They DID leave a comment. You MOVED someone to hate you. That's a plus. It doesn't seem like a plus, but it is.
Check out Daniel J Lewis's episode on handling complaints.
Check out Erik K. Johnson's Podast Talent Coach.
Ray Ortega's Podaster's Studio and Podcaster's Rountable (which often has myself and Daniel J Lewis)
Last 5 in 5 [10:50]
Todd from the conformity hazard podcast (recorded live at Podcast Movement) tells us the last 5 podcasts he listened to.
48 Days to the Work you love (Dan Miller)
Family From the Heart (audio journal of the host)
Smart Passive Income (Pat Flynn).
Podcast Rewind [12:38]
UK Podcasters are now New Media Europe. Thanks to Kevin Cox for the shout out.
I appeared on the Profitcast Podcast. This is a cool show that talks about growing your audience and monetizing your show. Brian is an awesome dude.
How Do I Grow My Audience When I'm Not Doing an Interview Show? [16:15]
I got an email from Caine Door who asked, ”
It seems that a lot of advice about podcasting is more geared toward all of those things that I mentioned above that I don't really do. My latest episode has the most conversation I've done with the audience….ever and its only like seven minutes. “
Be Careful in the Forums
The reason you have to do step three (make friends with your potential audience) is if you just show up and go “LISTEN TO MY PODCAST” people who ask, “Who is this person?' Then they will flag your for spam. I know because in 2006 this happened to me. It takes time. It's hard to do (because you know THIS is MY AUDIENCE) but be patient.
Kevin Costner is the Anti-Christ
In the movie Field of Dreams Kevin Costner says that “If you build it they will come.” This is a GIANT LIE. You need to GO and find your audience. Will having a podcast being people to your site? Yes, but if you want to grow your audience faster you have to go find your audience and lead them to your show.
How Do You Define Your Success
In my book More Podcast Money, I talk about how Jeremy and Jason from Internet Business Mastery had more influence than people with email lists that were huge. Jason and Jeremy had more influence. Your success may not be measured in numbers.
Get Your Podcast Reviewed
If you have a podcast and want some unbiased feedback check out getting a podcast review. You can appear live on the show and ask questions as we go over your content and website. We also have an option to have us review your show without you being present. To have your show reviewed, go to www.podcastreviewshow.com/reviewme
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You’re not being fair to Kevin Costner, man. He didn’t say, “If you build it, they will come.” The Voice told him, “If you build it, HE will come.”
Also his daughter played by a very young Gabby Hoffman said, “People will come.” And James Earl Jones said, “People will come Ray.” Then gave a long speech about people coming to the field for no particular reason.
That ironically has remained true ever since. The family who own the farm have done well as a tourist trap since 1989. So apparently if you build a baseball field in the middle of an Iowa corn field next to a big old farm house and make a movie about it with academy award caliber people, “people WILL come” to see the movie site!
Jeremy, I was trying to be funny. I think most people know Scott Bao is the anti-Christ.
Love your interview with a troll, superb audio production and very funny. Quite a bit of work involved I’m sure, but well worth the effort!
Yeah. It was fun.