Today we talk about the benefits of Live Podcasting, Podbean seems fishy to me, and podcast promo swap goes live.

Podcast Promo Swap is Live

This almost free service is a way to keep up to date with other podcasters looking to swap promos. What's a promo? Typically these are 30 or 60 second spots that explain what your podcast is abut, why people should listen, and where they can find it. For more information go to

If you're looking for free podcast promotion check out

Who is Podbean?

I'm testing Podbean as a media host. It's very strange. They don't let you promote other third party advertising on their service. When I went to find out where they are located, you can't find it. You can read more about my opinion to Podbean on my blog.

Quick Skype recording Tip

You can watch me demonstrate how to record skype in the You Tube video. There is a new twist. If you go under the Call menu in Skype there is an option for Audio Settings. By default, Skype will adjust your recording settings. For me this mean jacking up my input so much it sounded like I was recording at the beach. You can uncheck that option and manually adjust your settings.

Recording Live with Charles from the Bear Crawling Nation

Charles McFall from the Bear Crawling nation stops by to share his insghts into live prodasting. He uses the following resouces.

[easyazon-link asin=”B002OHOF08″]Blue Microphones Eyeball 2.0 HD Audio and Video Webcam with Microphone[/easyazon-link]

 My Feed Was hijacked episode

Crush It Gary V

[easyazon-image-link asin=”0240522249″ alt=”Beyond Powerful Radio, Second Edition: A Communicator's Guide to the Internet Age-News, Talk, Information & Personality for Broadcasting, Podcasting, Internet, Radio” src=”” align=”none” width=”112″ height=”160″]

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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