Mike Russel of Music Radio Creative is a Genius when it comes to podcast promotion. Podcasters are some of the people who make up his target audience. He could try to reach every single podcaster, or it might be smarter to help those people who already have the ear of podcasters. Brilliant! Podcast promotion in bulk. He was nice enough to nominate this podcast for a podcast award. He also nominated many other top podcasts (and made small jingles for them). This helps show off Mike's skills, and gets the people who have your target audience talking about you. Again -brilliant. Keep in mind, I didn't ask Mike for this jingle, and I didn't ask for the promo. When I first was introduced to Mike at the Podcaster's Roundtable, I thought he seemed like a nice guy. We have connected via email, and to ensure I could talk about his service first hand, I purchased some voice over work (I used Rachel to do a last 5 in 5 promo).
The question is this: Is there someone that you might reach out to that already has a relationship with your target audience? If so do this:
1. Investigate this person. Check out what they have to offer. In other words, do some homework.
2. Introduce yourself and relay the parts you enjoyed from your homework. This will show that you are not some “shotgun marketer” who is sending the same email to hundreds of people.
3. See if you can setup a phone call to get acquainted. or continue to exchange emails.In other words, “Make friends” with this person.
4. See if they are interested in knowing more about your podcast. They might make a great guest.
Hopefully this will lead to them either being a guest, or you might find in some cases that your services/podcasts compliment each other and you might be able to cross promote each other.
Dustin Hartzler
Dustin Hartzler produces the Your Website Engineer podcast where he helps you take your website to the next level. I found his podcast looking for podcasts about wordpress and found his podcast. I started listening, and later reached out to him. It turns out he is also in Ohio (I'm in Cleveland).
We talk about his favorite plugins these include BackupBuddy, PrettyLink Lite, WordPress Seo.Whoo Commerce is a great shopping cart.
Dustin likes themes from Theme Forest, and was very impressed with Builder from iThemes. (Get the Builder theme 50% off through 10/31/12 using the coupon responsive50 ) (See video Dave created on older version
Dustin is coming up on two years of podcasting and his podcast has helped him:
- He has got to meet and network with great people.
- Make three figure income from affiliate links
- Help make a name for himself
- Teach a global audience (people from Australia, Chili, South Africa)
- Got to try out software for free
For more information about Dustin check out yourwebsiteengineer.com, @dustinhartzler on Twitter.
Mentioned on this Show
Music Radio Creative (podcast)
The Audacity to Podcast Episode 100
Pretty Link Pro (Lite version is Free)
Hover.com (domains).
iThemes Builder Theme (50% off using the coupon responsive50)