In today's show I share some stats from a recently published white paper that shows how a podcast audience is more likely to spend twice as much time on a website, and click on three times as many pages on your website. We also hear from top influencer Chris Voss about his early years on the Internet. We also hear about how podcasting helping producers land television shows.
Podcasting Success – “I've Got Three Television Shows [3:00]
Biogio and Joke say that because of their podcast they have had help getting three television show ideas put on the air. They did this by looking at their audience and thinking, “What pain does my audience feel that we could eliminate?” That would be getting access to people to pitch their ideas. They used their podcast to solicit ideas from their audience, as well as train them on how to pitch an idea. They launched their podcast and using the skills learned at the School of Podcasting, they were listed in the “New and Noteworthy” section in iTunes. They are getting better submissions than when they used just a blog.
They created their podcast just for you, and it will answer all your questions. Every two weeks or so they’ll deliver episodes to help you:
Understand unscripted television and how to work in it
Find great potential reality tv shows and documentary series
Develop your ideas into sellable pitches
Team up with them
You can find them producingunscripted.com
Member Spotlight Urban Shooter Podcast [9:20]
The Urban Shooter is a pro-rights variety show and fun resource for all law abiding gun owners.
Kenn Blanchard passionately, positively and persistently does this podcast as a ministry to encourage, educate and enlighten people around the world that want it.
He sings. He jokes. He interviews interesting people he has met or heard of that are not afraid of coming on a show where they might find a new friend.
The show is apolitical and he lets his positive vibes shine. All are welcome.
Find it at kennblanchard.com
A Podcast Audience Stays Six Times as Long a Organic Traffic [13:35]
Organic traffic is traffic that comes from traditional Google/Search Engines. They type in your topic, and you show up. Then they come to your website. In a new white paper from Mike and Troy at topmarketingstrategies.com, they point out how.
- A good number for organic traffic is when a person stays on your site for 2 minutes. A podcast visitor to their site stayed 12 MINUTES. That's six times as long.
- When a visitor clicks on TWO pages when they visit, it is considered “good.” A podcast visitor to their website clicks on 5.3 pages. That's twice (almost three) times as many.
In their report they state, “You really can't get better traffic than that. An average visit of over 13 minutes clicking through to nearly 6 pages on your site is just insanely high quality.”
You can find the report at topmarketingstrategies.com
Chris Voss Thought Nobody Was Listening For Two Years [31:47]
Chris Voss of the the Chris Voss Show was recently interviewed on the Music Biz Weekly Podcast and explained how he thought nobody was listening for the first few years of his blog. Chris is now recognized as a social media leader by Forbes, CNN, Huffington Post, Alltop and others. If you wonder if anyone is listening, just remember so did Chris Voss when he first started.
Voicemail From Listeners[34:20]
Kevin from Passing Spaces mentioned he is using cp-googlemaps to put maps on his website. You can find Kevin at www.bonnietours.com
Erik Johnson loves the idea of splitting up my shows into shorter episodes
Mentioned on the Show
Dave on Home Tech Podcast

Hey Dave,
The link you’ve provided for Producing Unscripted, has its hyperlink as .co rather than .com
Just thought you might want to know.
Hey Dave,
Really enjoyed the podcast. Thanks so much for the shout out right up front. We listened, enjoyed, and are proud to be among the many you’ve helped over the years.
All the best,
I need to have him back on. I interviewed Geo (I’m a big fan) on episode 105 at
I also interviewed his number one fan at
I am a social care expert and am beginning to use podcasting both as a way to provide expert knowledge and as a means for promoting my company and the training it provides for social carers and businesses. Podcasting definitely delivers high quality visitors, you are correct!