
Testimonials For the School of Podcasting and Dave Jackson

Shane – Yourpreneur Podcast

I have a broadcast radio show called Music Business Radio. The first podcast I ever listened to was hosted by Dave Jackson in 2005.

He's a super accessible guy and showed me how I could get my radio show online and help me reach an even bigger audience with my message. I brought him down to Nashville on my radio show to explain podcasting to my audience. He is my number one guy when it comes to podcasting. The School of Podcasting is a great community. Not only do you have access to Dave, you have a group of highly successful super knowledgeable podcasters that can advise you on SEO to better hosting skills to podcasting news, to the latest acquisitions and mergers in the podcasting industry. Whatever you need to know, this group of people has the answer for you.

I value Dave's information so much when I started my podcast RED (which was about a decade after doing podcasting and radio) Dave is the guy I hired to make sure I was doing it right. he was that third ear that let me know those things that I might miss, he still helps me today. I'm a member of the School of Podcasting. It is an extremely valuable tool for me and a great resource. It keeps me up to date on everything from technology and trends; it's absolutely my top podcast resource. The money and the time I've spent with Dave over the years has paid for itself 1000 times over. Definitely, check it out. You will not regret it.

David Hooper
Music Business Radio
RED Podcast

It took me a couple of months of shopping but I found a podcasting coach. I looked at YouTube. I listened to some podcasts about podcasting. After consuming content from Dave Jackson's school of podcasting, I knew Dave was my guy.

I scheduled a zoom chat with Dave in June 2019. To learn how to get started. Our conversation led me to his school of podcasting courses, which took me about a month to complete in October of 2019. I built the podcast in November and launched it in December.

I would recommend the School of Podcasting for many reasons. Dave is experienced. He's been podcasting since 2005. And I love his podcast titled The School of podcasting. He also teaches the way I like to learn. The School of Podcasting has structured courses that are broken down into bite-sized chunks. Dave is a great teacher and offers "office hours" for support. I really like the private Facebook group for students too. We support and learn from one another. The School of Podcasting was a good fit for me. It worked too. Here I am on episode two.  Thanks, Dave.

Kim Newlove
The Pharmacists Voice


You really helped me with just a half hour of consulting. I learned a tremendous amount. You answered all my questions. We went through them all quickly. One example was using the Zoom H6. This is the perfect solution for my specific situation. You let me know I didn't need a mixer. I was very excited that I didn't need to learn all the technology. Call Dave and make an appointment today. You won't be sorry.

Bob Staggenborg
Cohost of Nature Guys Podcast

Stephanie Gram
Nosey AF

Six months ago, I barely knew what a podcast was, and no idea how to create or produce one. Ten weeks ago, I launched my podcast, which has since been downloaded over 9,000 times and was named "New and Noteworthy" on iTunes. How did I get from, 'What is a podcast, anyway?' to 'Whoa! Lots of people are listening to my podcast?' Just one answer: Dave Jackson School of Podcasting.

I started completely from scratch. As I said, I had no clue. I knew nothing about the technology needed to create a podcast other than I knew what a microphone was. But basically, that's it. Dave helped me buy the right equipment, he coached me on how to use it, and he also put me in touch with great people who did the artwork and voice-overs. His tips on talking points and sounding natural were absolutely invaluable.

There is just no way - absolutely no way that I could have created Win the Diet War without his help.
So, if you're interested in creating a podcast or you want to bring an existing podcast to a new level, I highly, highly, highly recommend Dave Jackson and his School of Podcasting.

Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin
Win the Diet War Podcast

My name is David Greenwalt. I run a company called the Leanness Lifestyle that specializes in permanent weight loss for our clients. I wanted to revive a podcast that I started in 2005. The old podcast was a mess. Parts of it were OK, but other parts were not. The parts that were not OK I had no idea how to fix. I was using basic WordPress blog and Feedburner for the iTunes information. It was in iTunes, but it wasn't quite right. I wanted to revive my podcast and get it right. I did a Google search for a podcast consultant or a podcast coach and Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting came up. I got a response within 24 hours, and within 24 hours of that email I was on the phone with him. I hired him for a one hour phone consult, and that was the greatest hour I could've ever spent. The parts of my podcast that were a mess I didn't know how to fix and he was so incredibly helpful.

We had to convert everything over from Feedburner to PowerPress we got online and shared screens. In that hour, he directed me on where to go. With him on the phone sharing screens, I have to say that was it was so incredibly easy. The time savings for me by having one hour with Dave were incredible. I don't have any doubt that it would've taken me 20 or more hours on my own, or even worse (when we get busy) it just wouldn't have been done at all. It turns into one of those projects that you meant to get done, but you never do it. So instead, I got it done with Dave's help.

The money I spent on the consult was so worth it. Dave didn't ask for the testimonial, but I wanted to provide it because I was so impressed by his expertise.

If you are looking to start a podcast or revive a podcast, get in touch with Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and hire him. Do a one on one consult or join his membership site. I recommend the personal one on one consult because time is money, and this is not my expertise. I like to hire experts and save time in the end - which is what I did. I got my money's worth and so much more. Hire him - you'll be glad you did.

Thanks Dave.
-Dave Greewalt
Founder of Leanness Lifestyle University

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Kevin Taylor


I have got to tell you how excited I am. I've been listening to your podcast for several months, and finally took you up on your quick start offer. Thank you, that was so amazing fast. I got you the information Friday afternoon, and Friday evening it was up and running.

Saturday, I recorded my first episode. I got it published. That same day I emailed the local boat show and requested a press pass. I thought it was worth a shot, the worst they could say is "No."

Sunday, I check my email, and I qualified for a press pass to come cover the boat show, to cover all things water skiing, and talk to vendors, at least in the state of Utah. I could not believe it. I heard you saying that as you start podcasting, you will be seen as an expert, and here I am knowing no more than anybody else about this, but now I'm the guy who has the press pass to go to the boat show an interview these people, the exhibitors, people representing major companies in the industry, and find out what is going on in the industry.

I am completely amazed at how quickly something like this could happen.

I just wanted to tell you it's absolutely amazing.

Thank you for your help in making this possible. I would've probably struggled with this long past when the boat show was going on if I had done this myself. The help you gave me was absolutely incredible. I am so excited about this. I just can't believe it. I told my wife and she was blown away too. This is phenomenal.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I am so stoked to bow be a podcaster. A real live honest to goodness member of the press podcaster with my weekend water skier podcast. Thanks so much Dave IT'S AWESOME.

Kevin Taylor
Weekend Water Skier Podcast
Weekend Waterskier

john_tsarpalasThe podcast is going well. Episode 13 launched today (one a week). I am feeling good about the podcast and am not having any issues at the moment in the tech realm.

Dave thank you for SOP. It supplied all of the missing pieces that I needed to get my podcast started. I had spent six months trying to figure out how to do a podcast before I found you and the School of Podcasting. You made it so doable.

Now that I am past the hard stuff, I love podcasting. It’s fun to think of topics. It’s fun to interview guests. It’s fun to edit. Yes I love editing. Getting better at it ever time too. It’s fun to tell people about it. It’s just fun. The goal wasn’t to have fun. It was to market my political candidate coaching services, which is also happening.
But who doesn’t like fun.

Thank you again for all you do. You’re caring about people and your caring about podcasting comes through in everything you do.

I hope our paths cross someday as I would like to thank you personally

John Tsarpalas -www.commonwealthy.com

Fred Castenada

Dave Jackson has been my only podcast consultant and coach that help me start my 12 podcasts. He helped me physically to get four to five of these up and running. Not only did he set up my WordPress blog, he also helped with graphics, dealing with the hosting companies, getting things uploaded, getting into iTunes and all that.  He also did technical support for me. He solved problems when we had them, and more than anything else gave me the valuable recommendations, suggestions, and comments for improving the podcast. I have 12 podcasts, and Dave has been involved in six of them. They've all been successful, and they've all been well received.

I think Dave's biggest strength is his customer service. You expect that from him. He also gives that personal touch because he knows so much. Whether its in remote conference calls, delivery of content, or the podcast infrastructure, Dave has done it all. Do I recommend Dave Jackson as a podcast coach and consultant? Absolutely! I don't think you're going to find a better customer service oriented individual than Dave Jackson.

Fred Castaneda
Struggling Entrepreneur

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My podcast "Self Help For Stoners" exists thanks to the School of Podcasting and Dave Jackson (all around nice guy and "Uber Podcast Guru"). I had recorded an episode on my computer but could not get the tech details to get it into iTunes. I tried working out some of the RSS feeds and the whole Feedburner account, and I just didn't understand that part. I'm a comedy and fiction writer and I was not the guy to figure this out. Finally, after banging my head against the wall, I realized that if I was going to have a podcast available to the world through iTunes I needed Dave Jackon. I contacted him about a one on one session and Dave could not have been a nicer, more helpful teacher. Dave is extremely patient, and I needed someone who is patient. When it comes to the tech stuff, I was not patient. Not only did he get me through getting the podcast setup, he even sent me a video afterward that showed me how I could continue to do it, and I just published my second episode all by myself thanks to Dave's video. If you're thinking about getting a podcast together look no further. Dave is THE guy to talk to. Dave is THE man to get things done. Thanks, Dave I really appreciate.


Robert Chazz Chute
Author of Self Help For Stoners - Stuff To Read When You're High


We enjoy doing the podcast at themtwodudes.com. It's a lot of fun. There are a lot of reasons why you might want your own. If you do want one of your own, the School of Podcasting has everything you need. Dave Jackson is a cool guy. Go. Now. Do it. School of Podcasting!


The site provides a wealth of information and the weekly podcasts are always chock full of relevant content to help you take your podcast from a concept to completion. But the thing that separates the school of podcasting from imitators is the level of support beyond the site and podcast. Dave makes himself available through weekly conference calls and is always an email away. I really appreciate his passion and dedication to the site.

Charley Hays 1 Yard Short Podcast
1yardshort.podbean.com podcast coming in March 2008

addie.png"In the world of hyped up and heavily promoted podcasts Dave Jackson is a Rare find. He is honest, extremely affordable, incredibly patient and supportive. He provides his client more value than they ask for. "

Addie Kania


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Hear what radio veteran Jeff Lamb of www.buffalodick.tv had to say about Dave Jackson and the School of Podcasting.

"Thanks, Dave for helping me get started with podcasting. Your personal attention last week enabled me to produce my first podcast and get a grasp on RSS feed basics. I am grateful for your help."

Kevin Whitaker
Community Webcasting

I'm listening to the public versions of the Morning Announcements right now, and just wanted to say thanks. In the last 40 minutes, I've learned more about what to do and what not to do than in the last 3 weeks of Googling about podcasting. I just went and signed on for the monthly payment version. Thanks a lot!

I'll be recording my first 'cast next week, and am a lot more confident now that I've got some more info on what works and what doesn't

Vicky Rowe
The Gotmead Webwench

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Listen to School of Podcasting site creator Dave Jackson being interviewed by Kim Costello of Gonzo Gone Wrong.

"It helped me put my website together"
"I feel more computer literate just from your site alone"
"It's the most powerful resource that I know of.."
"You put people right in the driver seat."
Kim - Gonzo Gone Wrong

"I've been very pleased with the additions. I also enjoy the "Student's Only Podcast thanks for that! Good stuff so far, and it helps getting another person's view of some of the software and the techniques, resources, updates, etc

Thank you for the interview skills section in the resources. I've been doing these for most of my adult life, but it is always good to get different and new perspectives. There are some very good areas here where I think newbies can greatly benefit.

Also, thanks for the voice-overs section. Through this I was able to connect with Peter Mollins There are so many other areas that I've barely scratched the surface! But, I appreciate and have benefited from so much already. Thanks for your hard work and diligence! So far, everything is very easy to navigate.

Rich Palmer
Audio Gumshoe

"The School of Podcasting has helped tremendously through my learning. I wouldn't be able to do what I do without Dave Jackson and his School. "
Tim Dewey

The School Of Podcasting is a resource that I use. The site has very good answers to my questions. I would recommend the show to all new and old podcasters.
Sal Calfa "Le Jazz Affair"

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I've been thinking about doing this for about a year now ... your podcast has been one of things that has spurred me along to actually doing it. I'm pretty excited about it!

Thanks again. I thought I would put finger-to-keyboard and let you know how much I appreciate your podcast and your regular email messages.

Kind regards,

-Maria Northcote (a genie from down under)
Cooranbong NSW

I have added my artwork to the MP3s of the Podcast and have uploaded them. They should work out fine, now. Bit by bit (no pun intended) I am heading onto the right track with your help and guidance.
Thank you for taking the time.

Jim Meeker
CTRL ALT Deliver

Thank you so much for your help. I would have been so frustrated if I tried it on my own. Thanks for being so patient and walking me through all the steps.

After we got off the phone, I went to my blog and pushed the play button and it was so exciting 🙂
Diane Louise

I just wanted to thank you for helping me get a jump start on my blog/podcast yesterday. Your help was so great. I am filled with creativity and have increased motivation to continue forth with my

David Newbern
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