Today we get some great insights into the effect you can have on your audience courtesy of George Hrab, we get a glimpse of some podcast stats from Terry Lynn, (Terry was on the Multimedia Marketing Show ) and we hear about how your audience WILL go back and download your ENTIRE back catalog courtesy of the gentlemen at the WordPress A to Z podcast. These are all some of the podcast success you can find with your podcast.
Troubleshooting Your iTunes Podcast Feed
Today I use the analogy of radio to understand podcasting and iTunes. iTunes is a radio that receives your RSS feed from your website. You tell iTunes ONCE to listen to your “radio station” (your podcast) and it tunes into you and never changes the channel. Inside the PowerPress plugin you can find the feed to submit to podcast.
If you copy and paste that feed into Firefox, you will see what iTunes is looking at it. If all of the episodes, and links to the
media are there, then you have done your part. So what's the problem? iTunes. I occasionally have someone where their images doesn't show up until days after their podcast is originally listed in iTunes. It's weird, and there is isn't any explanation. In general, iTunes doesn't make any money off of your podcast, and consequently they don't throw resources to supply a ton of customer service. What this means is that you may have to sit and wait. The bottom line is if your feed is showing all of your episodes and they are not showing up in iTunes – wait. Always be sure to check your feed at feedvalidator.org
Dave Jackson Podcast Podcasting Interviews
I was on episode 8 of the Podcaster's Roundtable where we discuss “What do we owe our audience?” and I was also on the Music Radio Creative Podcast talking about starting a podcast and the future of podcasting.
Mentioned on this Show
Backup Buddy plugin for WordPress to automate your backups.
George Hrab on the Power of Podcasting
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”]Dave's birthday was the 8th. If you've never met Dave (or seen him) how old do you think he is? Leave your answer in the comments below.[/content_box_light_blue]

Happy Birthday, Dave. My guess is that you are 42.
Since I’ve met that rules me out right? The fact is Dave is really quite young, Really!
Thanks for the inclusion of my show in this episode, Dave. Terry was an awesome guest 🙂
I can certainly vouch for the power of podcasting, the growth I’ve seen first hand in terms of building email subscribers, visitors to the website and authority in a veery short time frame is phenomenal.
Everyone needs to be podcasting!
Thanks for the mention Dave!