Today we are talking business podcasting, the cons of free hosting (again), as well as podcast success stories, a last five in five, and we answer your podcast questions. Please vote for the School of Podcasting at the Podcast Awards
Can You Ask For Too Much From Your Audience [1:00]
I recently appeared on episode 20 of the podcasters roundtable and we tried to answer that question. The panel consisted of Join me (Ray Ortega), +David Jackson, +Nick Seuberling +Corey Fineran +Izabela Russell and +Ileane Smith and it was great content to where I now changed my show opening to give ONE method of contact. Subscribe to the Podcasters' Roundtable – Podcasters Discussing Podcasting in iTunes and never miss another episode.
Because of my Podcast Calob Bacon – I'm a Television Writer [2:25]
Bacon was on the New Media Show (hosted by Rob Greemlee and Todd Cochran) and Calob explains how he has been ask ed to write for the television show Sulivan aqnd Son, write for magazines, and host another podcast . Check out the The New Media Show (Audio) in iTunes.
Please Vote For The School of Podcasting at the Podcast Awards (General Category)
We only have a few days left. You can vote every single day from now through the 15th of November. You can vote for the School of Podcasting in the General Category, and Feeding My Faith (another podcast of mine) in the Religion category. Thanks in advance. You can check out who I'm voting for as well as a video showing you how to vote at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/podcastawards
Last 5 in Five [5:51]
Today's last five in 5 comes from Marian Pierre-Louis of the History podcast Field Stone Common at www.FieldstoneCommon.com
1. The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast | Podcast Strategy | Podcasting Tips | Media Hosting
2. WordPress Resource: Your Website Engineer with Dustin Hartzler
3. BackStory
4. New York City History: The Bowery Boys
5. Photoshop with Matt
What were the last five podcasts you listened to? Let me know
Yet Another Reason To Avoid Free Podcast Hosting [9:00]
I have talked about those horrors of free media hosting in the past. This has been taken to a new level with podomatic. I recently published an article that shows how they rotate a ton of ads during your show one of which was for a “Facial Massager…” So you save 66 cents a day while you pimp vibrators to your listeners on your website. There is more to this story if you'd like to read more. You can get a free month at Libsyn.com by using the coupon code “sopfree”.
Ben Kruger Shares Insights on Business Podcast [14:00]
I met Ben on an episode of the Podcaster's Roundtable (hosted by Ray from the Podcaster's Studio). I was using Call Burner to record this. We had a horrible connection due to Ben being in Tailand. I was able take my side from callburner and Ben had recorded his side (using Audacity), and was able to mix all the sides together. You can see me using Call Burner here.
Tips For Starting a Business Podcast
1. Who do you want listening? Who is your target customer
2. What is the central message of your business?
3. Take a long range view of the podcast.
4. Pick a day and time to publish your podcast so you can be seen as reliable.
5. Determine what the most important CALL TO ACTION, and choose ONE.
When you go into a Mexican restaurant they all have chicken, tacos, rice, beans, but you need to select ONE.
6. If you do direct people to follow you on Social Media, make sure there is something of value waiting for them.
7. Don't make it a giant commercial.
You can find out more about Ben Kruger at authorityengine.com and subscribe to the Authority Engine Podcast.
Legally Playing Music In Your Podcast [48:30]
Last week I played a song called Something to Say by Matthew West and I put a blurb at the end of the podcast talking about the arrangement and guitar tone in a way that I might be able to say I was commenting on the piece (“allowing” me to claim fair use if needed in a court of law). If you want to play music in your podcast, its going to cost you around $300 a year (about $35 a year depending on how popular your show is, and how much revenue you generate from the show). You can read more about (what I feel is closest to what we do) the Websites and Mobile Apps Liscense and read the contract here.
So in a nutshell you
Basically you contact ASCAP or BMI or both according to which music you are using.
Then you get an Internet License, cost about $280.00 for each one.
Then you make quarterly reports on what songs you played, and what income you made.
If you make more than a $2000 a month you must pay them an extra percentage.
Ask the Podcast Coach Location
Got more Podcast Questions? Come ask myself and Jim Collison as we record “Ask the Podcast Coach” but we have been testing different platforms (last week spreaker.com would not work). The best plan is to go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/live and we will have links there. You can follow me at @learntopodcast and I tweet when we go live.

Excellent episode. Ben Kruger really nails the marketing principles to follow in a business podcast.
I really like Ben’s idea of having a single call to action for the listener. Erik Johnson told me the exact same thing when he listened to our show. He said to give the listener one call to action, one thing they can do. It’s great because I don’t like the whole ‘follow us here, click on that, blah blah’ thing I’ve been doing.