The problem is even the “unlimited bandwidth” people, have limits. More accurately they have rules to follow. Following these rules leads you to not using much bandwidth (which is why they offer it unlimited). When you get popular, you will either be charged more (like Dan Klass from when he as mentioned in the New York Times), or they will just shut down your site. Many times there is a guideline that does not allow you to use the service as a backup storage device.
If you look at the terms of service for my preferred hosting ( you will see where it states,”Using a shared account as a backup/storage device is not permitted, with the exception of one cPanel backup of the same account. Please do not take backups of your backups.” Also in article 7 of their terms of use it states, Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc. and “Participate in any file-sharing/peer-to-peer activities”
So you can do this, but it can get you into trouble. It's best to just use libsyn or bllubrry and avoid the hassle. As the problem would occur if you got popular, then you now have a crowd watching you make a mistake. You can get a free month at or using the coupon code sopfree
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