This show originates from

Today I explain how I received my second microphone arm (the one that cost $39 on ebay and it works better than the one I got for $29). However, now with my computer closer to my microphone I've decided to put some foam around the computer (leaving it room to “breathe”) to cut back on the noise. The lesson learned?

A) I'm listening through the ears of a podcaster. Listen through the ears of a LISTENER. Your noise may be unoticable to most people.
B) Sound Soap From Biad ($80) does a good job removing it (but does take some tweaking. Buy it from Amazon for $79

LAST 5 IN % from Fred Castaneda of and

Tech 5
Infor World Daily
Weekly Web Tools
The Morning Annoucnements
Logical Weight Loss

Stereo Junkies

Fred interviews the US Podcast Junky in episode #21 and we got some tips on “Cyber clutter” (a previous episode) from the UK Podcast Junky.

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Thanks to Podcast Junky UK
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Got a promo for your podcast? Send a LINK to your promo to podcastpromoshow “at” gmail “dot” com (a new show coming from Dave Jackson)

Looking for some custom Podcast Production? Check out and leave all the “technical stuff” to someone else while you focus on the content of your show.

Direct download: SOP121_012108.mp3

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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