Are you just getting started? Are you ready to launch a successful podcast? Check out our new Quick Start Package at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/quickstart
You get:
6 month subscription $120
1 year blog hosting at www.coolerwebsites.com $24
Wordpress Blog Set up and cusomitzation – $160
Intro/Outro Recording $80
All this for $299 Sign up at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/quickstart
Back Catalog – Is Anybody Listening To Old Shows?
My first Show “First Podcasts Always Stink” that were recorded back in October of 2005 have been downloaded 106 times in May of 08, 159 in April of 08, 154 in March of 08, 131 in February of 08. (That episode has been dowloaded 2947 total).
Meet the Members
Brian from www.dimacast.com suggested we get to know the members of the School of Podcasting, so today we meet J.R. Stanley of www.lordliftedme.com and the podcast www.lmllive.com
J.R. is using a Sure KSM27 Microphone and an Edirol UA4FX USB Interface which he likes for the tube emulation.
The Interview We Did Today with J.R. was actually “Time Shifted Interview” where I send a question, he records an answer. We repeat to fill in a quick “Meet The Members” section.