iPod Alternatives
If you don't want an ipod, what mobile device are you using to listen to podcast? Rich Palmer is using a Sansa E260 4 Gig audio/video player and syncs his player using Podcast Ready. Currently you can get the E260 for $58.27 Byron uses www.ziepod.comto manage his podcasts
Pacing Yourself
If you find yourself with a flood of information, PACE YOURSELF. Do not put it out at once. There will be times when the information is coming in very slow, and you will be worried about what to put into your show.
Mentioned on the Show
I used www.podcastvoicemail.com to get a special number for my new podcast The Dates From Hell Show podcast (coming in October). I you have a story about a “Dates From Hell” call 1-866-97-DATES or 1-866 – 973 – 2837
September Sale
Use the coupon code BTS to save 20% off at the School of Podcasting during the month of September. www.schoolofpodcasting.com