In this episode 894 of the School of Podcasting, we dive deep into time-saving tips to speed up your podcast workflow. We know editing takes longer than you expected. I discuss my experiences, lessons learned, and a fantastic guest lineup.

We cover various strategies to improve productivity and efficiency in podcasting. From utilizing second screens and mastering keyboard shortcuts to automating tasks with templates and transcription tools, we explore ways to streamline the podcasting process.

Throughout the episode, we highlight individual stories and hacks from our guests, showcasing their unique approaches to saving time in podcasting. Overall, this episode is a treasure trove of practical advice for podcasters looking to make the most of their time and create high-quality content.

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Participants and Podcasting Speed Tips

Scott from What Was That Like is speeding up editing using keyboard shortcuts and a Red Dragon M908 Gaming Mouse (aff)

Craig from Live Well and Flourish is speeding up editing by using iZotope plugins. I use Dialogue Enhance 2.

Jill from Fit Stong Women Over 50 eliminates editing by doing more research for your interviews.

Branden uses the sound pads on the Zoom Podtrak P4 to help identify edit marks (he assigned tones from Audacity to the pads)

Karin from Just Grow Something uses templates where she adds all of the files she uses for her show and saves it as a template. Then, opens the template and chooses “Save As,” and gives it a new name (so the blank version of the episode stays blank).

Kim from the Pharmacists Voice also uses Templates for her audio, her images (using Canva), and anything else.

Jim from Home Gadget Geeks ensures he uses any online tools (like auphonic) to take advantage of any integrations. Tools like Active Pieces and Zapier can tie two products together.

Mark Vinet from the History of North America and Historical Jesus batch records.

Steve Steward from the Podcast Editors Academy and his own Editing Service uses two monitors, which speed things up and make things less stressful.

Tips To Speed Up Your Podcast From Dave

Use the playback speed option in Audacity. It will make people sound like chipmunks, but every little bit helps.

Use Text Expander to create templates or anything you type over and over ( has a snippets feature, as does Captivate, which has episode defaults (templates).

Podpage is a set-it-and-forget-it website tool. You create an episode, and it just appears on your website. You can learn Podpage for Free. Podpage also has an episode signature at the bottom of every episode on your site.

A Transcription service like Otter or any AI Transcription tools can be used for editing.

I use Evernote to organize my thoughts to avoid wasting time looking for things. A cheap alternative to Notedex.

Use a calendar scheduling tool like Acuity Scheduling, Tidycal (although it's having an issue), or Calendly. Using these tools takes the stress out of scheduling guests.

I Use Brandy to manage my Press kit.

Use your audience, as they often have time, treasure, and talent to help you with your show.

Pin a folder to the left navigation in both Windows Explorer and the Finder on a Mac so you don't have to dig down to get to the folder.

Pay someone to do your editing.

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Mentioned In This Episode

Podcast Consultant – Choosing Your Name

20 Tips To Speed Up Your Podcast Production No Matter The Budget

Red Dragon M908 Gaming Mouse (aff)

Text Expander

Brandy (press kit)



About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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