While I always talk about the benefits of podcasting, what are the BAD side of podcasting? Could a podcast consultant actually speak about the negative side of podcasting? I do.
A subscriber to your podcast can find you in iTunes (or on their blackberry, or smartphone) and NEVER make it to your website. NEVER. Each week you give them more content. Each week they take it, appreciate you, and never go to your website. It's true.
However, over time you will build a relationship with this person. You will gain their trust. You will build up a dependency on your information. They will want more. Where do they go? You guessed it. Your website. What does this mean? It means that you may have fewer people going to your website, but the people who do REALLY want what is on your website. So even the downside of podcasting (less traffic) results in a good thing (better conversions).
One way to get them to your website is to talk about something visual (on an audio podcast), and explain it (make sure you can describe it so they get some idea of what it looks like). If a person really wants to see what you're talking about, they will go to your website. In today's episode, I described a free plugin called Slide Deck. I explained how it adds some “pizazz” to your website. I then explained that you can see this in action at www.morepodcastmoney.com
You have to be careful with this strategy. If you spend too long describing it, it will bore people. Be careful to stick to the point, describe it and move on. Give them a tease, and if they want to know more they will come.