Today I provide 20+ reasons why you should be podcasting. We play with a free podcasting software that allows you to have sounds play with a click of a button, we talk about cleaning up noisy files, and we have a list 5 in 5.

Why You Should Be Podcasting

Below is just the list, this list with more details is at

1. Be seen as an expert.

2. You will be seen as reliable when your produce on a regular basis.

3. Loyal Audiences.

4. More Sales – More Leads

5. Bigger Audience

6. Better Understanding of Your Customer

Global Audience7. Reach a Global Audience

8. Extra Income

9. Make Friends

10. Become the Media

11. There is no spam in Podcasting

12. Consuming Podcasts Is Getting Easier

13. Radio Is Horrible

14. Time Shifted Material

15. Everything is Going Digital

16. Audio Podcasts Allow People To Multitask

17. Podcasting is Intimate

18. Podcasting is Inexpensive to Start Up

19. Big Fish in Small Pond

20. Your Audience Awaits

Jingle Palette Review

This is a free software for the PC that allows you to assign sounds to any number of buttons. You can set the volume level for each file. There is no “fade out” option. I faded out items in this podcast as I was sending the sounds into my mixer. At one point, the software had a bit of a crash, and it didnt' save the palette I was using. I was not a huge fan, but you can't beat the price.

Cleaning Up Noisy Audio Files

In this segment I play a voicemail that came in that had a fair amount of hiss. I use the noise removal feature in Adobe Audition (and is also available in Audacity). You have the software “listen” to your noise, and then have it remove it. If you apple too much of this feature, it can make the sound have a weird “under water” effect. A little goes a long way. I then took this file and applied a noise gate which blocked any left over hiss from coming to your ears.

Podcasting is for Everyone

In this episode we get feedback from a 6th grader, and someone who has retired early (in his 60's) who are both enjoying the creativity and power of podcasting. Are you looking for Podcasting 101 tips? Check out free podcasting tips at School of Podcasting Radio at

Last 5 in 5

School of Podcasting's Morning Announcement (this podcast)
More Podcast Money (about making oney with your podcast)
Weekly Web Tools (tools for people who handle their own website)
Power of Podcasting (answering the question, why should I podcast)
WordPress Plugins A to Z

You Can Change Your Podcast

Today we spotlight the Podcast Goddess podcast and Internet Business Mastery who have decided to change the format of their shows. The beautiful thing about a podcast is YOU are in control. So if you start out going in one direction, you can change it later.

Mentioned in This Episode

Creative Penn Podcast
Logical Weight Loss
Healing Our Marriage Podcast
Survey Monkey
Scott Sigler's Book in Amazon (Watch video)

For more links see the original blog post

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
3 comments on “Why You Should Be Podcasting in 2013
  1. Dan Hansen says:

    Hey Dave,

    Happy & Prosperous New Year! Great 20 reasons for podcasting in 2013! I’m stoked for a great 2013. I’m currently looking at SurveyMonkey as a tool for my dissertation and used it for my masters thesis. I’ve also been playing with Jingle Palette for my podcast not quite sure if I’ll used it for The Scholars Room Podcast but I’m already thinking of another podcast for another time. I love Joanna Penn’s podcast by the way she’s one of my last 5 in 5:

    1. The Scholars Room Podcast (Me – I’m actually quite proud of what I did thanks to you)
    2. School of Podcasting (Dave Jackson)
    3. Writing Excuses (Mary Robinette Kowal, Brandon Sanderson, Howard Tayler, & Dan Wells)
    4, Worplay: Helping writers become authors (K.M. Weiland)
    5. The Creative Penn (Joanna Penn)

    Thanks for all your Help on my podcast,

    Dan Hansen

  2. Dave, love the podcast. I’ve been listening for about 2 years now and just love what you do. In fact I love listening to podcast so much that I really don’t listen to the radio anymore. I’m hooked and I see the wave coming and I want to ride it. Anyway, I’m writing to see if you can give me some advice. I’m considering starting a podcast for the company I work for which is a niche market, we print pocket folders. Being that it is such a small niche, I’m running into a stumbling block. It was either you or Cliff Ravenscraft that said you should have about 50-60 ideas for podcast episodes. I’m having trouble coming up with 50. Any ideas or suggestions?

    My last Last 5 in 5:

    School of Podcasting
    Podcast Answerman
    Smart Passive income
    LateNight Internet Marketing

    The list goes on and on but I will leave it at 5.

    Dave, keep up the great work and thank you.


    Joseph Anzai

  3. Dave Jackson says:

    Thanks for listening. That must be a Cliff thing. I typically tell people to come up with their first 10 episodes. If you can’t come up with 10, that should be enough to get you going. During your first 10 you will probably “find your voice” and shift your content in one way or another.

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