Do you feel that you podcasting may be too hard, or complicated? Do you feel that nobody would listen? Are you nervous? Maybe a little scared? Well today we are going to talk you off the ledge.
It's Time To Get Uncomfortable
I've been appointed as the Director of Podcasting at the new media expo. This means I will help choose who speaks at the New Media Expo in April of 2015. This is a huge opportunity. It's also kind of scary. This means someone who really wants to speak won't get to, and I'm going to disappoint them. It also means I will get to meet a whole bunch of people, and get additional insights into podcasting, blogging, video, and more. It's a huge opportunity for me, and I'm blessed to be chosen. Today I walk you through stepping out the boat of comfort and why its a good thing to be scared and uncomfortable. We don't like to move when we are comfortable, but life is moving fast, and if we don't move we are actually going backwards in some instances. So I share some things that I was scared and had to work through. As a teenager I was very shy around strangers. My mother died when I was 24 and I had to go tell my Grandma she had outlived her child I had to work my way though college. It took twice as long, but I got my degree. I spent myself into bankruptcy trying to have a child with my first wife. Later we divorced. These are hard things to push through, but you come out better on the other side. Sometimes we need to ask, “What is the worst thing that could happen? When you get a dog, you're not tihnking, “Hey someday in the future we are all going to be sad,” but its true. The pros outweigh the cons. Do I dread telling people they didn't get accepted? Sure. You have to take the good with the bad. For me, the benefits of podcasting outweigh the negative. Special thanks to Rob Walch (libsyn.com), Todd Cochrane (Blubrry.com) Rob Greenlee (podcastone.com) for recommending me to Rick Calvert of the New Media Expo.
Last 5 in 5 With Lou Mongello [15:47]
Today we get some podcast recommendations from Lou Mongello who produces the WDW Radio podcast (A great podcast about Walt Disney World). I interviewed Lou back on the Power of Podcasting podcast that told his story about how he left his job as a lawyer and now does podcasting full time. Here are the last five podcast Lou listened to. The Podcast Report From Paul Colligan Starve the Doubts by Jared Easley Podcast Answer Man – Cliff Ravenscraft Smart Passive Income – Pat Flynn Social Media Examiner – Michael Stelzner
Saving For Events
Going to events is a great way to fast forward your networking and knowledge. It can add up when you start thinking about travel expenses in addition to the price of attendance. One way is to look at your bank and see if they have a savings plan that will automatically move money into an account for you. I Use CaptialOne 360 (which actually lets you earn interest) and once a month it transfers money from my “normal” checking account into the online account. By using an account that you don't look at you are less likely to spend it.
Mike Russel Launches Audio Producter Masters [20:34]
Mike Russel of Music Radio Creative (the people behind my intro singers), has released a book on Adobe Audition in addition to an online community. The community has great tutorials as well as each month you get cool sound files for music beds, swishes, zaps, etc. Check it out at www.audioproductionmasters.com/sop If you're more of a reader he has also released a new kindle book filled with his massive knowledge of Adobe Audition.
Over Coffee Podcast Appearance [24:00]
I was interviewed by Dott on the Over Coffee podcast. Check it out
Cleveland Podcasters Meetup [26:32]
If you plan on doing your own meetup, be sure to provide food, and have an agenda. The good news is there is no better way to connect then face to face. It was awesome to see everyone.
FREE PIZZA (Because of My Podcast Part Two)
Steve Stewart was in town so we went out for Pizza, and how weird was it that Philip Keller of the Blind Faith Live podcast. We had our own little meetup, and Phillip left. When we went to pay for our bill Phillip had already taken care of or bill. How cool is that? It was great to have two of my favorite people meet each other. Check out Phillip's show at www.blindfaithlive.com (real people, real miracles) also check out Steve at www.moneyplansos.com
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