Podcasting News:
Adam Carolla and Dennis Miller Go on Hiatus after 6 Episodes
NPR is Building a Discovery Tool
Podcast Monetizatrion
Cash.me is a new way to accept donations. Want to test it check out www.cash.me/$podcastcoach the fee is 1.5%
Teespring is a cool mix of crowd funding and podcast promotion. Basic no logo t-shirts are 7.30 (just text), 14.75. You can't order less than 5 (so a minimum order is roughly $75.00). Shipping made my order $18 for a t-shirt with my logo.
Want to Support the School of Podcasting? Buy a Shirt
Podcast Rewind:
I was on episode 31 of the Podcast Digest talking podcasting equipment, because of my podcast stories, podcast websites and more.
David Hooper Shares Behind the Scenes of the RED podcast (real entrepreneur development)
David Hooper produced the RED Podcast with his wife Laurel. RED stands for Real Entrepreneur Development. We help you build an audience, sell more products, and make more money. We show you how to find the “hidden money” in your business. In this interview we talk about how:
He recorded a bunch of episode before episodes before adding their show to iTunes
He purposely set out to be different than any other “entrepreneur podcasts”
When you have a business but you're not in the phone book are you not in business? You can wait and work out the kinks of your podcast before listing it in iTunes
He is using the podcast to expand out past his Music Business Audience
He created a studio in his home without spending thousands of dollars by using ATR2100 microphones, and a Noise Gate.
We talk about his interview process and how he prepares a guest before the interview.
Check out the RED podcast in iTunes, or on their website.

Had no idea Cash.me existed! I’m looking forward to creating an account and giving my audience the option to donate/support the show this way.
As always – Thanks Dave for sharing great info!
Good interview David Hooper