Today we look at what are the key ingrediants to stories that are used in books, movies, plays, and how some podcasters have used these elements to make engaging content for their audience. If you want to dive deeper into engaging content check out my friend Erik K Johnson at www.podcasttalentcoach.com who really know the ins and out of content shaping.
Last 5 in 5 from Josh Rivers
Read to Lead Podcast with Jeff Brown (business books)
WordPress Plugins A to Z (learn about plugins )
Weekly Web Tools (tools for web designers)
Thanks to Josh for the opening, and for the last five in five. Find Josh at creativestudio.academy
Stitcher Now in Deezer
Stitcher was purchased a while ago, and now those shows are starting to appear in Deezer. Full story
No Longer Impressed With Joy Ride
(8:35) I interviewed the head of Joy Ride a little while back, and I love their interface and other items. It was nice to see an alternative to Patreon. Well I've been trying to setup a campaign, and you have to jump through hoops. I've email their support twice (will try again, one more time). It just seems (in my opinion) the only way I get any help is to e-mail the head of the company. I will keep you posted.
If you want to see Dave's Patreon page, go here.
Patreon Podcasts Popping Up
(10:45) Official Patreon Podcast (itunes)
Unofficial Patreon Podcast. (itunes)
Podcast Listening Party – Dee Snider Launches Podcast on Podcast One
Dee Snider is the singer for Twister Sister, he has many successful radio programs and now is launching a podcast on podcast one. It's call Snider Comments. It has a super long intro, but Dee comes in attitude a blazin'. It should be fun.
Anatomy of a Story
A great book that looks at some of the best presentations and breaks them down and examines WHY they worked. Why they connected with their audience. The book is called Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences
Stories are often the same layout
1. A relatable likable hero
2. The Hero encounters a roadblock(s)
3. The Hero emerges transformed.
In some cases the hero was reluctant to take on the responsibility. They finally decide to take on the roadblock, you think they may not make it (but they do). Then you see them after they have made it through the storm/roadblock.
Entrepreneur On Fire Questions Use Many Of These Elements
I was on the Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast on episode 263, and looking at John Lee Dumas's questions they use elements of story telling
1. Intro
I will give a brief intro about you and your business, and then turn it over to you to elaborate. – introduce the hero.
2. Success Quote
Here you will share a success quote/mantra you enjoy & how you have applied it to your life. – transformation
3. Failure / Challenge / Obstacle
What failure/challenge/obstacle have you overcome and what were the lessons learned? – roadblock.
4. The “AHA” moment
Discuss an “AHA” moment you have had and how you turned that AHA into success. – transformed
Have you had an “I’ve made it moment?” – transformed
5. Current Business
What is one thing that is really exciting you in your business right now? – transformation
6. Lightning Round:
What was holding you back from becoming an Entrepreneur? – roadblocks
What is the best business advice you have ever received? – transformation
What is something that is working for you right now? – roadblock
Do you have an Internet resource, like Evernote, that you can share with our listeners? – insights..
What book would you recommend to Fire Nation? – insights into you, and great monetization strategy
Imagine you woke up tomorrow morning in a brand new world, identical to earth, but you knew no one. You still have all the experience & knowledge you currently have, your food
and shelter is taken care of, but all you have the next 7 days? – more insights into you.
Behind the Scenes of a Podcast Launch – Clammrcast is Now in iTunes463
After recording a few episode I've now released Clammrcast into the public and into iTunes and Stitcher.
I didn't think people would download the back catalog (three episodes) but they did.
This did land me at the rank of 1150 in New and Noteworthy (subscribe, rate and review to help bump us up)
You don't need to have multiple episodes to be in New and Noteworthy. You can be new only for 8 weeks, you can be noteworthy ANY TIME. (so you don't only have 8 weeks)
I got 47 downloads of the first episodes, 31 downloads of episode 2, and episode 1 got 27 downloads.
I will be launching a new podcast that will not be an ongoing show. I will use it answer common questions (best microphone).
Mentioned in This Show
Best Podcasting Gear – Dave's Amazon Store of Podcasting Gear
More Podcast Money: Turn Your Passion into Profits – Book about making money with your podcast
Thanks to Henry from the Voices that Carry Podcast for the Review in iTunes.
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Every episode I learn something to implement in my Podcasting Journey DJ…LOVE it and thanks!