My Co-host of the Podcast Review Show Eric K Johnson has a saying, “Nobody Gets on a Bus Without Knowing Where It's Going.” Today we talk about how it is 100% up to you on how you start your episodes. I also talk about insights from reading the book, “The Creator’s Compass” which talks about three different levels of presenting content.
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The Generic Show Introduction
Welcome to (show name) where we (what you do) so that you can (benefit of listening) our website is (website address). Then introduce the episode, and if you can explain why people should listen to you, throw that in as well.
Smooth Transactions Don't Happen By Accident
When I do the Podcast Review Show with Erik K Johnson so we both can see the points each person wants to make. If needed we loft up a “softball” comment so the person can make their point. Consequently, when I see we have hit all the bullet points I don't have to ask, “Are you ready to move on.”
James and Sam on Podland do a great job of organizing the many topics they cover into stories that easily transition from one to the next. They transition into interviews by providing just the information that resonates with the listener (do we really need their whole LinkedIn bio? No!) and consequently when the show is over I find myself asking, “Already?” It just flows nicely. This doesn't happen by accident. When you have multiple segments take some time to think about how you are going to transition from one to the other. If you don't do this, it's not the end of the world, but it is often the little things that separate good from great. It's the little things that other people don't take the time to do that can really set you apart.
I actually use transition music (SHORT music) to signal my audience that we're moving to a new topic. The bottom line is it is YOUR SHOW and you can do WHATEVER you want. Don't let this stop you from creating your show because it's not “perfect.”When in doubt ask someone (not related to you) for feedback and/or do what feels right to you.
Three Levels of Content
I read the ebook The Creator's Compass from Jay Acunzo and I loved it. It really made me think, and it's pretty creative. Here is one thing that made me go, “Oh yeah, that is better.”
Level 1 Content
You have some gold. (You drop facts in their lap)
Level 2: What Could Happen
Here’s some gold. You have some now. And because you have some now, you can do all kinds
of things: create some jewelry to feel beautiful or make someone else feel beautiful, etc
Level 3: Your Opinion
When you say the phrase, “I think” you take all the information, all the pros and cons and insights you have, and put them into an opinion.
Everyone will have their own opinion and that makes your show different than anyone else's show.
Coming Soon: Dissecting Hot Ones on YouTube
Hot Ones is an amazing show, with AMAZING questions.
Mentioned In This Episode
The Creator's Compass from Jay Acunzo
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man Kindle and Audible