How The Practical Prepping Show Grew From a Book Marketing Tool to a Life-Saving Resource

The Genesis of the Practical Prepping Show

Practical PreppingWhen Mark Lawley joined the podcasting world, little did he know that his venture would transcend its original goal. Initially, the Practical Prepping Show was a marketing extension for his book Practical Prepping For Everyday People: A Common Sense Guide On Preparing For Life's Emergencies

“We wanted to amplify the message of preparedness to a broader audience,” explains Lawley. The journey, however, led to unanticipated success and remarkable stories from their listeners.

From Book Sales to Life Savers

One such powerful story came from a listener in Omaha who utilized advice from the podcast during a severe storm. This narrative highlights the true impact and reach of a well-crafted podcast.

“It's humbling and incredibly rewarding to know that our content can make such a significant difference,” Mark noted. T

 Growing Their Podcast Through Learning and Adaptation

Like many podcasters, Mark and his co-host Krista faced their share of initial struggles. Thanks to insights from joining the School of Podcasting, they learned and adapted. Starting with a simple handheld recorder, the Practical Prepping Show refined its approach through feedback and continuous improvement.

“We realized the importance of strategic planning and developing segments to keep the show engaging,” says Lawley. This planning extends to their active promotion efforts, contributing to their growth in downloads and listener engagement.

The Role of Community Engagement

A significant part of the show's success stems from their proactive community engagement. Social media, particularly their Facebook group, plays a crucial role in gathering feedback and generating new episode ideas. Engaging directly with the audience fosters loyalty and provides a pipeline for fresh content. Their Facebook group grew to 14000 in less than a year.

“Moderating our Facebook group ensures a positive and respectful environment,” Lawley explains. The emphasis on respectful dialogue and community standards helps maintain a supportive atmosphere where listeners feel valued and heard.

Making Better Episode Titles

The Practical Prepping Show’s enhanced website has led to noticeable increases in both downloads and listener engagement.

“Creating a compelling title that hooks the audience within the first two minutes is crucial,” advises Lawley. With experience, they have become more efficient in editing and balancing the natural flow of conversation with clarity and conciseness.

Podcast Monetization and Sustainability

Sustaining a podcast involves more than just passion; it requires smart monetization strategies. Sponsored ads and affiliate links have been part of The Practical Prepping Show’s journey. Mark emphasizes building relationships and engaging the audience to create genuine value.

Additionally, branching out into diverse topics such as financial prepping has attracted a wider audience. Mark’s plans to launch courses on platforms like Teachable mark another step towards leveraging their growing listener base for sustainable monetization.

Planning and Professional Growth

“Hiring a coach can significantly shorten the learning curve for new podcasters,” Lawley advises. His own experience highlights the importance of planning in podcasting. As they prepare to launch educational courses, they focus on continuous learning and professional growth. The mantra of stepping out of your comfort zone is echoed throughout their journey.

Building a Lasting Brand

Dave Jackson emphasizes that every podcaster should prioritize directing their audience to a central hub, such as a website, to reinforce their brand and make listener interactions more efficient. Practical Prepping Show has benefited enormously from improvements to their website, getting to the point quicker, adding segments, and focusing on the promise that is the title of the episode. This has led Mark and Krista to notice significant surges in both downloads and engagement metrics.

Thinking of Starting a Podcast?

Start Your PodcastAre you considering diving into the dynamic world of podcasting? Look no further! Join the School of Podcasting community today and unlock a wealth of knowledge and support tailored just for you. As someone with decades of life experience, your voice is invaluable, and podcasting offers a unique platform to share your wisdom, stories, and passions with the world.

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00:00:00 – A Letter From Morgan
00:02:04 – Opening
00:03:15 – Mark From Practical Prepping
00:03:20 – Define What You WON'T Do
00:03:39 – Why Prepping?
00:05:23 – What Was It Like Starting Out?
00:06:20 – Doing the Right Things
00:08:30 – An Important Thing to Focus On
00:10:20 – Becoming More Efficient
00:11:33 – When To Remove Ums
00:12:13 – Sponsors Came Knocking
00:14:38 – Join the School of Podcasting
00:15:42 – Your Podcast Website
00:15:56 – Improving Your Website
00:17:05 – Mark Added a Facebook Group
00:22:29 – Audience Approved Content
00:24:05 – Sell a Product or Service
00:25:15 – How Are Book Sales?
00:26:12 – Advice For New Podcasters
00:30:00 – Favorite Comments
00:31:55 – You Don't Need to be THE Expert
00:33:03 – What Does Prepared Look Like?
00:33:40 – Buy Mark a Coffee
00:35:23 – My Thoughts
00:37:37 – Question of the Month
00:38:35 – Live Appearances
00:39:18 – Start Your Podcast 

Mentioned In This Episode

Practical Prepping Show

Practical Prepping For Everyday People: A Common Sense Guide On Preparing For Life's Emergencies

Getting Started In Prepping free PDF

Practical Prepping Facebook Group

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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