Today, we are diving into the “feed drops” strategy in podcasting. Some special guests are joining us, including York Campbell, Randy Black, and Zoe Richardson.

In this episode, we'll explore the concept of feed drops, where a show drops an episode into the feed of another show to gain new listeners. Our guests will discuss their experiences with feed drops and share their perspectives on whether it's an effective strategy.

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 Feed Drops: Best Practices

Feed drops can be a powerful strategy to gain new listeners and broaden your reach in the podcasting realm. By dropping an episode into the feed of another show, you not only introduce your content to a new audience and establish connections with other podcasters. Just make sure the dropped episode aligns with the tone and subject matter of the host show to keep your listeners engaged.


Randall Black from Work From The Weight

Zo Richardson from Backlook Cinema

York from Welcome to Earth Stories

Consider Your Source:

There are several different types of podcasters. Here are just a couple:

  • Fun Seekers
  • Serious Hobbyist
  • The Side Hustle-ist

There are also many ways to monetize your show. There seems to be two sides of the coin. The Value Four Value model is gaining steam; everyone talks about podcast advertising. With the above types of podcasters, they have different motivations and metrics. 

People working in the advertising end of podcasting focus on ensuring advertisers are happy. That makes sense.

With this in mind, when you hear news, insights, and ideas about podcasting you might consider evaluating what perspective they are coming from. There is no “wrong” perspective, as there are many ways to plan, launch, grow, and monetize your show. 

For example, one recent written by Steve Goldstein on the Three Eras of Podcasting seemed to hint that podcasting started when advertising arrived. This makes sense coming from Steve, who works in the advertising side of podcasting. 

Podcast Rewind

I appeared on The Flow by Ecam, talking about how to start a podcast. I shared a story about the gear I used when I first started podcasting.


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This was episode 898.


About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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