Learn how to attract olympic caliber guests to your podcast. This show originates at www.schoolofpodcasting.com This is show 151
Getting Olymic Caliber Guets
Today I share a technique I learned from Gary Lealand from www.fastpitchillustrated.com (and www.podcastpickle.com and www.todayinpodcasting.com). If you are trying to get someone on your show, and they have endorsements from a company, contact that company and explain how you'd like to have that person on your Internet Radio Show to talk about your niche, and their product. It's working great for Gary. Gary is using his podcast (which he is very passionate about) to help sell products (which are featured at his site). He is also being seen as an “Expert” in his field because of his podcast.
Check out how Gary is using a podcast to drive traffic to his sporting goods store at www.fastpitchillustrated.com
Podcasting For Pennies a Day
Microphone – $99
Cord – $10
Mixer – $60
Pop Filter – $20
Headphones – $35
Cord to connect Cable to Computer $30 (or there is a $5 version at Radio shack)
Audacity Software – Free
Website Hosting – $60/yr
That comes $324 USD a year or 86 cents a day.
Can you point to any magazine, radio, tv, or other medium that reaches the world for less than a buck a day? The second year (with no equipment to buy) you would spend 16 cents a day.
Did you know you can sign up for the School of Podcasting for $2 a day (even less if you buy multiple months), and in less than a month have live, successful, podcast? Try it today, and if you don't like it in the first 30 days we will give you your money back.
Am I a Podcaster?
Tamara from www.modergeartv.comasks, “I have video on my site am I a podcaster?
A: No. The power of podcasting is that it is delivered via RSS. You can learn how to subscribe to a podcast at www.learntosubscribe.comThen every time you put out a new show, it will automatically be downloaded when your listener/viewer launches iTunes. Without an RSS feed, you have “audio/video” on your website. The good news is if you have a blog you have an RSS feed. If you use Feedburner you can check a setting to make any downloadable media automatically be included in your RSS. (Tamara is using Blogger).
Coming In Future Episodes
I will be reviewing the Thesis Theme which is a great looking customizable wordpress theme. We will also “meet the members” with Fred Castenda of www.strugglingentrepreneur.comand 8 other podcasts.
Let me help you start podcasting today. Pricing starts as low as $20 a month. For more information go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com
“Live a life worth podcasting about.”
-Dave Jackson