I was reading the Libsyn blog, and I thought about all the things that have changed in the past six years.
- iTunes exists
- iPhones Exists
- Wi-Fi hots spots everywhere
- Blackberry phones are now more entertainment oriented
- Adnroid Phones can subscribe to Podcasts – no computer needed
- More people moving away from television and consuming content in other forms (ipads, phones, computers, etc).
Things have changed making it easier than ever to consume podcasts. Consequently, is it time for you to look at creating a podcast? There is no better way to reach a global audience, and build the relationship with your potential customers, supporters, members, etc.
My First Check from Libsyn
I just got my first check for selling my iPhone app. This is is just another way for Podcasters to Make Money With Their Podcasts. The beauty of this, you can now have an app made for the iPhone and Android phones for Free.