I give me insights into the expo. We give away the Behringer Podcast Studio Podcasting Package to Arthur Vanderbuilt (congrats and thanks for being a member).
Reflections from the Expo
Nicest guy I've never met before goes to Dave from www.twoboobsandababy.com
Coolest Piece of Technology (for Schools at least)
www.boxpopuli.com (in a booth)
Zoom H2 (most popular recorder)
Best Night Out on the Town
Fred Castenada
LAST 5 in 5
Courtesy of Dan Klass www.thebitterestpill.com
1. The Twisted Pickle www.twistedpickle.com
2. Norm Augistine www.normaugustinus.com
3. Coverville www.coverville.com
4. Cush Things I say www.cushrocks.com
5. The Hollywood Podcast http://hollywoodpodcast.com/
6. Verge of the Fringe http://vergeofthefringe.blogspot.com/
According to the Podcastjunky UK I am the 9th most recognizable voice in Podcasting. I talk about this in my blog at http://davidjackson.org/2007/10/04/im-the-9th-most-recognized-voice-in-podcasting/