When it comes to starting a podcast, the most important part is the planning. However there are times when we are so convinced that our show idea is a great idea that we don't research to make sure there is plenty of content, and we just operate on pure emotion.
My problem is I created a podcast called, “Dates From Hell Show.” The idea was the entertaining stories of meeting people online who you wish that, well, you never met online. The purpose of the show is to encourage people to try online dating. Looking back I wonder what we were thinking. This is why its always good to have someone how is not your mom listen to the show (A step I skipped).
All is not lost. You can always buy a new domain, change the banner on your website and keep going.
Logical Weight Loss Podcast 12 Week Challenge
I mentioned this was $12 last week, I've changed my mind and now it's free. Go to www.logicalloss.com/12weeks
Using Amazon S3 as Your Podcast Host Webinar This Thursday
Sign up at http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/webinars