Today I'm back from New Media Expo in Las Vegas and I'm producing this entire episode with JUST MY PHONE. My interviews were recorded using a Roland R-05, and in some cases a microphone from Giant Squid Audio. I'm using a software for your iphone or your ipad called Boss Jock Studio, and its pretty cool. If you are doing portable recording and want to do the whole podcast (not just record interviews) this is a fun tool to let you do it.  The software is written by podcasters (who help launch for podcasters. Currently the software won't work with my favorite microphone the Audio Technica 2100 but that's Apple's fault (not Boss Jock). There are some microphone that you can plug into your iphone (with a camera kit) that will sound better than the built-in microphone of the iphone.

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Three Days to Become The Media

Kevin Taylor sent me an email on Friday. By Friday afternoon his basic website was up, and by Saturday he had his first episode done. By Sunday he had his first media pass.

Promote Your Podcast With Pinterest

Dan Hayes of has been putting his album art on pinterest with a quick blurb like “Click to listen to podcast” and he is noticing traffic coming from Pinterest as well as comments like “I've never listened to a podcast before,”. This is a channel that will actually grow your audience as they may not be acquainted with podcasting. Thanks for the tip Dan!

Interview with Tony DiLorenzo of the One Extraordinary Marriage Podcast

One way you can promote your podcast is to network with other podcasters who are doing similar shows. Most (but not all) will cross-promote. Some will be afraid that you will “Steal” their audience. In talking with Tony he and his wife have an AMAZING story and they are an open book. For me it shows that God can take any negative and turn it into a positive. Check them out at 

Tony and his wife now have authored two books The 7 Day Sex Challenge and Stripped Down: 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage  Available at and hope to syndicate their podcast.

Last 5 in 5 from Jim Federoff of Quilt Caster

Jim produces the Quiltcaster podcast (a podcast about custom designed musical instruments). Jim has been a big fan of podcasting for years and finally started one of his own. I caught up with Jim and the New Media Expo and here are the last five podcasts he listened to:

Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income
Seth Godin
Radio Lab – Great production values and stories
Social Triggers – Marketing from a psychological aspect
HIMMS– mhealth podcast

Vegas Was a Blast!

Thanks to everyone who came up to me at Vegas and to all the people I met. Podcasting is a time shifted conversation and it was nice to have some immediate conversations for a change.


Daily Podcast Tips

Daily Podcast Tips! Put Your Inbox to Work

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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