I got a voicemail this morning from Kevin Taylor. It shows the power of podcasting. Now Kevin will get to go to shows around his passion for free. He will get to interview experts and vendors in that field. (You can hear it on the Testimonial page). Take a second to read this.
I have got to tell you how excited I am. I've been listening to your podcast for several months, and finally took you up on your quick start offer. Thank you that was so amazing fast. I got you the information Friday afternoon, and Friday evening it was up and running.
Saturday I recorded my first episode. I got it published. That same day I emailed the local boat show and requested a press pass. I thought it was worth a shot, the worst they could say is “No.”
Sunday I check my email, and I qualified for a press pass to come cover the boat show, to cover all things water skiing, and talk to vendors, at least in the state of Utah. I could not believe it. I heard you saying that as you start podcasting you will be seen as an expert, and here I am knowing no more than anybody else about this, but now I'm the guy who has the press pass to go to the boat show an interview these people, the exhibitors, people representing major companies in the industry, and find out what is going on in the industry.
I am completely amazed at how quickly something like this could happen.
I just wanted to tell you its absolutely amazing.
Thank you for your help in making this possible. I would've probably struggled with this long past when the boat show was going on if I had done this myself. The help you gave me was absolutely incredible. I am so excited about this. I just can't believe it I told my wife and she was blown away too. This is phenomenal.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I am so stoked to bow be a podcaster. A real live honest to goodness member of the press podcaster with my weekend water skier podcast. Thanks so much Dave IT'S AWESOME.
Kevin Taylor
Weekend Water Skier Podcast
Weekend Waterskier