Today I want to answer an email that asked, “Do you have a checklist that you use when you record an episode?.' Here are some tips that can help you when it comes to recording your podcast.
- Play, tweak, and get your sound like you want it, then write down (or take a picture) of your settings and leave them there.
- Shut windows and doors. Put a tie on the outside knob to notify the family that you are “on the air.”
- Turn off any cooling or heating devices, as well as phones should be silenced.
- Turn off any notification software (like email, skype, etc)
- Get some notes either on paper, or on computer to help keep you on track.
- Make sure your mouth is hydrated but not that hydrated.
- Check your recording levels
- Send an email to any guest that will be appearing at the beginning of the day to remind them of your time, skype name, etc)
- Make sure you have a set of questions to use as a guideline, and make sure you are on the same page with the guest in regards to their website and what they may want to plug.
- If you are streaming video, clean your room and brush your hair.
- Check the battery life in your recorder and make sure you have enough disk space
- Make sure you press record.
In the End YOU Decide How To Do Your Podcast
Last week I talked about how I hated people who repeat things over and over. My friend Daniel j Lewis of the Audacity to Podcast occasionally does this and provided his insights into this:
Great list, Dave! Now I know what I do in my podcast that annoys you.
But, actually, that is my point of disagreement: repeating an outline.
It’s true that listeners/viewers can simply rewind, but this is a bit inconvenient for them. Especially if the points they want to review are spread out through the episode. They would have to search to find point 3. Rewinding isn’t always accessible.
The quick review of the outline keeps it fresh in their minds and more memorable.
However, this is only necessary when the outline is the core of that episode. For example, “5 ways to make an amazing podcast.” Then it’s helpful to repeat these 5 ways, in no more than bullet-point form. But content like you shared in this episode is more open and flexible, so it _would_ be awkward if it was repeated. But nonetheless, I can certainly understand why you generally wouldn’t like the “Twelve Days of Christmas” style of presenting.
Have a Podcast Episode In the Can
Fred Castenada from The Struggling Entrepreneur podcast and many others phoned in that he had a bad cold that cost him his voice. He mentioned how imprtant it is to have a podcast ready to go in the event you lose your voice. “Sergeant Fred” pushed on through with his voice, but he felt the quality wasn't good. If you can record an episode that is “ever green content” you can use it if you get a cold, or during the holidays we might get too busy to record. Thanks Fred for this great tip.
Podcast Success Story – You Are the Media
We share a store about how Fred and his CIB Austin podcast got him media credits to meet one of his heroes.
Podcast Cross Promotion
Carey Green does the Christian Home and Family podcast. Carey's podcast and my Feeding My Faith more than likely share an audience so we began to mention each other on our shows. Carey went one step further and recorded a quick blurb reminding listeners to go subscribe to my podcast in iTunes. It's a quick and easy way to make you look like a friend of the host (which more than likely makes you a friend of his audience).

I listened to this today. Twice!
I see that it is not a difficult exercise to get a podcast up; but to do one well is another thing alltogether.
Dave you make it look easy, and I know better. Thanks for advice I can plant and learn from.
Did I tell you that finding you has been epic for me?