Never Cold Call Again

In today's podcast success we hear how the hosts of Internet Business Mastery sold a $6,000 coaching course using their podcast to create a relationship with their audience (which was then prompted to subscribe to their email list that then markets to them and “sells” them on the course). On the Marketing Show Clay Collins explain how audio podcasting is a great platform. Jason explains how the people who signed up for their course were not the long time listeners of their podcast, but people who had been listening for six weeks. I mentioned Clay last week as he is one of the founders of Lead Pages.

Broadcast Live With Spreaker [7:38]

SpreakerToday I interview Anna Piazza of who introduces us to their service. I've played with spreaker for about a month, and if you are looking to broadcast live this is a good service. Unlike Blog Talk Radio (which I have documented why I feel they are the devil numerous times on this website) this site allows you to create a decent sounding podcast using online tools. Their chat system is built in and works, and you can embed their player on your website.

As a hosting company, they do not offer unlimited storage like my preferred vendors and (get a free month at using the code sopfree), they do offer a large amount of storage.

They have a “Social Media” element of their site where you can follow hosts and be notified when they are broadcasting. If needed you can block people from participating on your show. I am continuing to test different live streaming systems, but so far Spreaker vs Blog Talk Radio is hands down Spreaker is better (and cheaper). They also offer an app that allows you to broadcast live from your iPhone. This is not quite as cool as Boss Jock Studio, but it ties in directly to your Spreaker account. For more information visit

iRig a Way To Get Live Phone Calls Into Your Podcast [24:50)

I have mentioned in the past, if you have a smartphone you can plug a 1/8″ jack to either RCA or 1/4″ and put the phone into your mixing board.

But what if you want to play sound effects and have the person on the phone hear them? Here is a solution


The iRig plugs into your iPhone. You can then plug a 1/8″ to 1/4″ cable to get the voice of the caller into a channel on your mixing board. You need a 1/4″ to 1/4” to go from your effects (or auxiliary) out into the input of the iRig. Then you adjust the auxiliary send (or effect send) of each channel to adjust how much is going to the caller. Just make sure the caller's channel has no effects/auxiliary up. Again this is only needed if you need to play music, clips etc to the person on the phone. The iRig goes four around $32.

Then sign up at for a phone number ($2 a month & .06 a minute), and forward the number to your cell phone. Another alternative is Google Voice. It's free. You can also forward this to your phone. I'm not sure I'm comfortable using a Google service as they have been known to cancel them. Another service is ($10 a month).

Member Spotlight Passing Places

Passing-Places-RSS-image-56219_222x180This week's member of the School of Podcasting is Passing Places. If you are looking to learn about Scottland, check out passing places at

Scotland by motorhome, motorcycle, bicycle and hill walking. Information and advice on the more remote and scenic parts of Scotland including the Highlands and Islands.

Check out how he is using a google map to spotlight his episodes.

Portable Recording Podcast Rig

I would recommend using the Roland R-05 with an Audio technica 2100 with a 1/8″ to XLR cable.

If you need to record more than one person, and you don't want to bring a mixer, check out the lapel microphones at Giant Squid Audio.

Mentioned in This Episode – backup your website

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
1 comment on “Broadcast Live with Spreaker
  1. Hi Dave,

    Just to let you know, your link to Giant Squid Audio isn’t working, the link should be

    Thanks Dave.

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