Today we are going to take the phrase “Value Proposition” which is typically used in business and apply it to podcast. In the past few months, I've attended a fair amount of conferences and I ask people about their podcast. In most cases, people explain their show and I can see if I want to listen or not (or decide if I'm their target audience). I want to identify what people feel is valuable, and then help you shape that into your message. I learned about some of this in Tim Schmoyer's Video Creators course. The one that caught my eye was the Value Pyramid.

The Things That You Should Ensure You Are Doing Before Pressing Record On Your Podcast

I always say if you are not going to make your audience :

  • Laugh
  • Cry
  • Think
  • Groan

If you are not educating or entertaining them, then don't press record. There is no value. The value pyramid from Harvard Research takes it even deeper.

What is Value?

Value is when the benefit of consuming your content is worth the time and effort it takes to consume it.

This is Why It Needs to be EASY to Consume Your Content

If you make someone dig for your play button, or only put a subscribe button for Apple Podcasts and completely ignore the Android side of life, the android users are likely to say “Never mind” and give up trying to get your content on your phone. This always means that if you make it easy to consume your content, they might give you a “pass” with your content if they didn't have to dig to get the content.

Functional Value

Do you help your audience by making things easier? Do you save them time? Do you save them money? Does it provide a way for people to connect?

Emotional Value

How does your podcast make people feel? Does your podcast reduce anxiety? Do you reward your audience? Does the design tweak their emotions? Does it boost their wellness? Is there a badge people could wear to show their loyalty?

Life-Changing Value

These values promise a personal transformation of some kind. If you can provide life-changing value, your audience will LOVE your show. If you have a community where they can belong. Can you make them feel like they've achieved a goal? Can you motivate them? Can you provide hope?

Social Impact Value

Are you impacting more than your audience?

How Do You Tell People You Deliver Value?

A value proposition explains how your audience benefits from your show.

It may point out who your audience is.

Why you are a better fit than other podcasts.

How your podcast will help solve your audience's issues.

Different Pieces of a Value Proposition

Have a short but powerful headline that helps summarize a key aspect of your UVP (in less than 10 words).
Have a supporting sub-headline or short paragraph to help explain or clarify your UVP.
Have a short bulleted list of the benefits/advantages of using your product/service, with supporting visual imagery (for example, icons, badges, or a hero shot).
Show all of the elements above the page fold (the area that visitors can see initially without having to scroll).

Make It “No Thinking Involved” Clear

In one article it mentions how you need to make it CLEAR to the person hearing or reading it. Here are some examples:

Stripe: “Web and mobile payments, built for developers
Lyft: “Rides in Minutes”
Zapier: “Connect Your Apps and Automate Workflows”

By looking at this, I understand what each company does.

Here are some more:

Stripe: “Web and mobile payments, built for developers”
Lyft: “Rides in Minutes”
Target: “Expect More, Pay Less”
Skillshare: “Learn a New Skill Each Day”
Evernote: “Remember Everything”
Zapier: “Connect Your Apps and Automate Workflows”
Bitly – shorten, share, measure.
Spotify: “Music for Everyone”

What Value Do YOU Bring

Why should your ideal listener listen to YOU.

What do you do differently than other podcasts on your topic?

Not So Good Value Propositions

Epson says, “Where there’s business, there’s Epson.” – Very generic

HP says, “HP: everywhere you do business.” – Very generic

Time Warner Cable says, “Enjoy Better.” – Vague.

Burger King: Be Your Way – Confusing.

This is an example of what some like to call blandvertising. It could mean anything, and sometimes its just keywords that are thrown together.

Confusing Podcasts

I looked in Apple podcasts to see if there were any shows that were confusing to me. Here is one I found:

the salvaged soul podcast: This podcast is a place for all things REAL. I want to help you live your best life by being true to yourself. I will share all the ups and downs of business, marriage, family and friends! The good, the bad, the ugly. The real way to reach happiness and financial freedom!

It Always Comes Back to Knowing Who Your Audience Is

When you know who your audience is, and what their pain points are you eliminate competition as fewer people will be doing what you do.

You want to use their verbiage so its easier to connect with them. In an Apple review, someone put “The best information and experience to learn the right way to podcast from the heart of a teacher” about this podcast. Look for phrases and points that you can use to help explain your value.

She Podcasts Live Revisited

34:44 Jaye From The Pot Stirrer Podcast shares her insights from attending She Podcasts Live

Question of the Month

I have a “Because of my podcast” segment that points out the benefits of podcasting. Do you have any negative side effects of podcasting for you? Be sure to mention your show and website when you go to

I need the answers by 10/25/19.

Mentioned in This Episode

Video Creators

My Stuttering Life

More on Value Propositions

Work With Me

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
1 comment on “Building Your Own Value Pyramid
  1. I enjoyed listening to this episode and would like to expand on the concept of ‘Value’.

    One aspect that you might like to think about is the the qualitative notion of Value Good Value or Bad Value.. This can be viewed as :-

    Value = Deliverables – Expectations

    In podcasting terms, if you have a big guest and a big build-up, but the delivered content doesn’t meet the expectations of the listener, it will be perceived as Bad Value ie don’t listen again.

    If, however, the above is really a great listening experience, the questions are the one you would have asked, you learnt something new plus you can get additional material plus you can get questions answered by the guest – then that might be much more than you expected and thus the Value is extremely positive. Another subscriber in the bag!

    Good Value will create word of mouth recommendations (The best to get). Bad Value will get you bad-mouthed or even ridiculed.

    This means that once you set your standard value, then you should not drop below it. ie. If the sound quality is poor for an episode, you must try to provide additional value to the listener for them to perceive the same value for your podcast. You should look to always provide more than the listener expects.

    Similarly, if you have advertisers or sponsors, what can you provide for them, over and above your contract, that makes your podcast more valuable to them? More insight? Competitor information? Reviews and cross-promotions with another medium? If they have a choice where they place their money, they will always choose the avenue that provides the best value.

    If your listeners find that they get great value from listening to your show and your backers get great value from being involved with you, then you have the makings of success.

    Just my thoughts…..

    I always get great value from your podcasts – what I hear from you doesn’t just apply to podcast, it applies to other areas of my life and work.

    Keep strumin’

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