Dave talks about common mistakes that you can make that will cause errors in your RSS feed.
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This was inspired by the Podcast Brothers www.podcastbrothers.com show where they talked about a feed reader having issues with their feed.
You can see a table of code to put display characters without causing errors at http://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_html_8859.asp You can check your feed validation at www.feedvalidator.org
Dave also reminds all podcasters to report their songs at the Podsafe Music Network (now defunct) When looking at your playlist, click the “show playlist history” option at the bottom of the list. Be sure to report your songs. The musicians will thank you for it.
by Cali Lewis of www.geekbrief.tv
1. Dawn and Drew Show www.dawnanddrew.com
2. Daily Source Code www.dailysourcecode.com
3. Mo Buzz Tv www.mobuzztv.com
4. Accident Hash www.accidenthash.com
5. Rocketboom. www.rocketboom.com
Check out the School of Podcasting with its hundreds of resources and hours of tutorials. www.theschoolofpodcasting.com