December Income Report $3101

Here again, as I write this post its March of 2014. Doing these reports takes a lot of time and they are always on the bottom of the list.  IN December I had a record month for both income (with a huge amount from Affiliates) and also a record amount of spending. I ordered vimeo, and upgraded my camtasia software (used for making my videos). I went ordered business cards and hotels for the New Media Expo. The money I spent on WPengine last month will be money I get back as I now have to move to a virtual private server (WPEngine did not work with my membership script).

Total Income:


47% Consulting
31% Affiliate Income
19% Memberships
3% Book Sales



Net Income: $3101

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
2 comments on “December Income Report $3101
  1. Bryan Hunt says:

    Whats up man, I listen to School of Podcasting all the time while I’m at work. I always forget to check out your site until today. I really like that you do this monthly income thing. The funny thing is that one of the main reasons I already liked you was that you will take a stand on something even if its not a popular stance.I highly respect that being that I am that way as well. So when I came across this it is just another reason I like you. You just seem to be an open and honest guy. That’s really cool man. I have hit up Ray and Daniel tonight, lol. I told them how I look like a freak at work running to my notepad and jotting things down I hear from you guys. I work at Ford. I am saving up for equipment and plan on starting my own podcast early 2015. I look forward to hopefully getting on the Podcasters Roundtable and thanking you on air for all the invaluable help you have given me. You guys are rockstars as far as I am concerned. Keep up the good work man and thanks again.

  2. Brayn,
    Thanks so much for the kind words. I do my best to be me. You will either like me (that’s cool) or not (that’s cool too).

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