Planning Your Podcast Questions
Why do you want to podcast?
Who are you? What is your perspective? How are you unique?
What do you want the content to achieve?
When and how are you going to develop the content?
If you can't answer the WHY, you will never make it through the “HOW” of podcasting.
Some of these questions are adopted from the Book [easyazon-link asin=”0470648287″]Content Rules[/easyazon-link] from my Friend C.C. Chapman. You can get that book as an unabridged audio book at Audble by going to www.audibletrial.com/dave
Goodbye Steve
I wrote about this on my Podcasting Blog Apple adpoting podcasting into iTunes was a great stepping stone of podcasting. hanks Steve. It's amazing how one person with a vision, and determination can change the world. An Autobiography can be pre ordered at Amazon.com (Comes out in November)
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iTunes Webinar
If you want to know how to get your Podcast into iTunes, then this seminar is for you. It's October 17th at 9 PM EST. Sign up now.

Hi Dave,
a lot has been said and written about Steve in recent days – I really liked your thoughts in the latest edition of SOP. Just one little correction: The forthcoming biography by Walter Isaacson is just called “Steve Jobs” (“I, Steve” is another book on Steve Jobs, by another author). Btw, the publication of the Isaacson biography has now been anticipated to 24 October.
Thanks for your great podcast!