Why You Should Never Worry About Your “Competition”
I was thinking twice about recording an episode about the stats from the Podcast Awards. My friend Daniel J Lewis of the Audacity to Podcast had done an episode, and some other podcasts about podcasting had also covered this topic. I decided to give my side of the story, and I'm glad I did. After all, just because I listen to every podcast about podcasting – doesn't mean my audience does. Judi from farmnwife.com had this to say
“Dave, you mentioned in this podcast about talking on the same topics as other podcasters. Thank you for continuing on to cover those topics because I don’t listen to -another podcast -. His voice and humor annoys me. Although I am sure he is very intelligent on his niche, I choose not to subscribe.
You have a different style and take on things which is very vocally “animated” and this keeps it interesting. However, (other podcaster #2) goes over too many intricate details and loses my attention.
So I wanted to say that I appreciate that you tell us just what we need to know without going over our heads.”
Keep in mind every night people on the news deliver the same stories and yet people have their favorites. This can be tough to swallow as you may not be someone's favorite. I'm sure some people don't like me. Maybe I'm to spastic, and I occasionally bounce from idea to idea. That's fine, because my style will be what other people are looking for. Just remember you can't please everyone. Just be yourself.
A Google Hangout is an online meeting that can have up to 10 people participating at a time. A Google event is a notice of something (meeting, etc) at a certain date and time. Hangouts that are “On Air” are streamed live to whoever wants to watch. The best thing is they are free to use.
Transcribing Your Podcast? Here is a Way to “Hide” Some of that Content
David Peach has a tip on a great WordPress plugin that allows you to include content on your site so Google can find it, but hide some of the text unless someone clicks on it to view it. Dave is using the WP Spoiler plugin.If you want to learn sign language, check out Dave's podcast at www.learnsigns.com
Getting Rid of Mouth Noises When You Podcast
Mike Russel from Music Radio Creative has a tip on losing those mouth noises. These include:
1. Stay hydrated
2. Avoid fizzy soda.
3. Eat a Green Apple (Green, not Red, Yellow, etc)
4. Use a Pop Filter and don't talk directly into the microphone.
Using Google Hangouts as a Podcast Creation Tool
Today we talk with Ray Ortega who does the Podcasters Roundtable along with the Podcaster's Studio. Ray provided some tips on the “behind the scenes of the Podcasters Roundtable.”
1. Google Hangout is an online meeting between (up to) 10 people. When these are “On Air” they can be seen by everyone as they are streamed live.
2. You want to go into your settings and change the audio setting from “Voice” to “Studio” which will improve the audio quality.
3. The invitation to the event is an invitation to watch.
4. The invitation to the Hangout is an invitation to participate in the Hang Out
5. When a Hangout is happening, it's not streaming until you click on “Broadcasting” button.
6. When its over the recording of your hangout is available for download. You can download that video and extract the audio out of the video.
If you are looking for step by step you can watch Google Hangout Videos Here.
Is this Podcast Too Long?
Recently I started making these episodes longer (from around 20 minutes to around 45 minutes). I wanted to check with my audience. Would you prefer the original 20 minute podcast?
[polldaddy poll=6684840]

We have used Google Hangouts as a back up when Skype gets problematic. It gets the job done but I have noticed it to be more sensitive and I pick up more ambient noise from my co hosts coming through. But it is nice to have an alternative rather than scrapping a show.
Yeah. I hear that in other podcasters who are having issues with SKype.
I just listened to this latest podcast while working ground in a tractor. Very strange to here my name on a podcast. But thank you.
I had not intended to be disparaging to the other podcasters. They do a great job. I just wanted to emphasize personal preference in choosing which podcasts to listen to.
PS: Ditch the banjo music.
Spot on with the competition point! If one person gets into the nitty-gritty details, they’ll appeal to that audience that wants the nitty-gritty details. But other podcasters will take a different approach that other listeners will like the best.
But as a whole, it’s like each podcasters is painting a three-dimensional object, each from their own perspective and each with their own step in the process. Some podcasts are primers, some are paints, some are finishers (don’t take that too literally!).
What I love in this podcasting space is how much we refer to each other. Sometimes we build on what each other says, sometimes we offer an alternative perspective, and sometimes we say the same things but from different personalities. I love it!
Thanks, if I just do the hangout then upload it, is that it?I want to do it on my blog next year. The easy is way its best for me, thanks.
Merry Christmas from kobe, japan.
Well “Is that it?” is a loaded question. You would want to strip the audio out (if you’re doing audio and not video). But to say “That’s it” would be a “If I build it they will come,” and that is not true. By having an episode published your journey is just beginning. If you don’t have a website yet, send me an email with “quick start” and we’ll get you up and running in no time.
Is this the best and free way to make a podcast, have tried many, but haven’t be able to get it, thanks.
I made two podcast, but had problems with the down or something, will try this again, this way today.
Thanks for the information.
Google Hangouts recently released they are no longer supporting On Air. I found a work around so you can still record the audio from a Google Hangout to use for your podcast interviews.
You really make it seem so easy with your presentation however I in finding this topic to be actually one thing that I feel I
would by no means understand. It kind of feels too complex
and very broad for me. I’m having a look forward to your subsequent
publish, I will attempt to get the cling of it!
Hello, I do a live show on Saturdays at 10:30 AM ET where you can get your podcast questions answered live at http://www.askthepodcastcoach.com and to join http://www.askthepodcastcoach.com/live