When it comes to making purchases, we are often faced with a conflict between our emotional and logical sides. How we balance these two competing forces can determine our success or failure when it comes to spending. I had my wallet out ready to spend almost $1500, and today I share how I identified my emotional and logical sides in the conflict and used logic to save my money for something better.

My Video Progression

I started with a Logitech C920 and upgraded to the Elgator Facecam.
The Facecam had a better picture and NO MICROPHONE (so no accidental recordings using the camera microphone).

I later upgraded to the Sony VZ-1. Why?
Because YouTube told me that this was THE best camera for the new YouTuber/Content creator. Also, it had a button that MADE THE BACKGROUND BLURRY. I'm not making that up.

With the press of ONE button, the background would be BLURRY. OMG!

So I had to get it even though it was $900. I bought it on a payment plan but avoided paying any interest. 

A little over a year the Sony ZV-10 came out, and not only did it have the one-button blurry mode, but you could also CHANGE LENSES. Again, YouTube erupted, letting me know that THIS, yes, THIS was THE camera. 

I was THIS CLOSE to buying this camera, and then I saw another video because as I could switch lenses, I had to figure out what was the best lens. The one lens that made the Youtube host just look dreamy cost $400. 

Wait, does that say $400? So $800 for the camera and $400 for the lens is $1200, but the other lens, and this and that. 

QUESTION 1: Do I NEED this, or do I WANT THIS?

I thought about it. What happens if I didn't buy this camera? Were my videos on YouTube suffering? After all I've been making videos for years without a blurry background and I have attracted 3000 subscribers. So apparently, you do not NEED a Blurry background. 

QUESTION 2: Who does this benefit and how?

Does this benefit your or our audience, and if so, how? 

Well, as I already had the ability to blur my background, there only perc was the ability to switch lenses. 

Have I run into something where I wanted to change lenses and couldn't? No. Then why am I buying it? Is it easier to use? Slightly, but you will still need to unplug and replug in the cable which frustrates me. 

So I'm going to spend $1400 to pay for a feature that I will not need. With that, I put my credit card back in my wallet.


I once signed a year-long contract with Vidyard. Why? Because it had TONS of features that I MIGHT use. After all I could see how far people watched my video.

What was I trying to do? Make video messages I could email to my students and clients. 

It turned it this would do it, but I found their interface clunky, and when I found a way to really use it, they wanted me to upgrade. 

After my contract was over, I found LOOM, and it does exactly what I need it to do for a FRACTION of the cost.

Don't spend money for features you will never use.


I've never had someone tell me, “You have to watch this video, the background is BLURRY.” 


Maybe instead of spending so much TIME concentrating on your background, MAYBE we should focus more on what you are saying into the microphone. 


I understand that sometimes we don't feel confident with our voice, but in many cases upgrading from one microphone to another doesn't make that much difference (especially once you get over $100). But I understand that if you would feel more confident behind the microphone if you like your voice, it may be worth the upgrade. Just realize this:

Unless your microphone and sound is HORRIBLE, getting a new microphone won't grow your offense. Your content will. Now if your content is noticeably better because you are more confident, then maybe it's worth the money.


1. Is this a WANT or a NEED?
2. Who benefits from this purchase?
3. (bonus) What happens if you don't make this purchase (this helps identify if you need this or want it).
4. Are the features of the product something you WILL put into practice?


In the past Anchor.fm would submit your show to Apple, Google, and Sticher “For you” and “Forgot” to mention that you would lose access to stats on those platforms (oops!). I could go on for hours, but why I wanted to bring this up is they don't do this anymore. Does this mean I now recommend them? No. 

Why? Well, here are some old and new reasons.
1. They are still free, and MANY free media hosts have gone out of business (some after burning through MILLIONS of dollars). So I don't want to build my show on something that is just using a bad business model.

2. If you upload an mp3 file and use their advertising tools, they change their file to an m4a. This makes no sense as Spotify only uses mp3 files from other hosts.

3. They sometimes leave out details when they announce things. 

Example: You can play money in your podcast (that they approve, and only in Spotify, and only in the app, and only to paid users).

Example: VIdeos have come to Spotify (that you have to upload via Anchor, that only displays the video on Spotify and only in the app).

Example: According to the Co-creator of How to save the planet (a Gimlet show) said, “Spotify invested zero in building the show’s audience, then forced us to go exclusive to Spotify, and then canceled it b/c it didn’t build a big enough audience…” she tweeted on Saturday. source

Example: Multiple people in an Anchor.fm user group have mentioned that even though Spotify mentions as soon as you reach a level, you will have sponsors. These people have met the criteria and have no sponsors (one has 275,000 downloads and still has no sponsor).

4. You have to ASK for an RSS feed.
This is like going to a restaurant and having to request food. Shouldn't you have that already?

Spotify (who owns Anchor) wants you to stay in their “Walled garden.”  When you look at their marketing material or hear any of the presentations that paint themselves as ABSOLUTE NUMBER 1, and they are THE COOL KIDS. When they are #2 to Apple by a LARGE margin, here again, they prey on the uninformed. 

The co-founder of Anchor has said that RSS (the technology that Podcasts use and keep it open) is holding Podcasting back – while the actual spec of RSS is being updated AS YOU READ THIS. 


I get that you want to podcast without breaking the bank. I understand that. When you try to do it without spending ANY money, your expectations may be in need of an adjustment. 

Ready To Start Your Podcast

You may think nobody would listen to you, but I'm here to tell you they will. I have proven strategies to help you identify exactly what your audience wants. You will sound professional and won't have to spend a million dollars to sound great. Learn through our online tutorials, live group coaching and a private Facebook Group filled with brilliant podcasters. Join worry-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee. See schoolofpodcasting.com/listener


This month the question is one I often do in January. What are your top podcasting pet peeve? Those little things that drive you nuts.

Leave Your Answer at  www.schoolofpodcasting.com/question

Deadline is 1/27/23

Where I Will Be?

I look forward to seeing you all; please come up and say hi. To see my full itinerary, go to schoolofpodcasting.com/where


Want to dip your toe into the podcasting pool? Check out the classes I have available for free at 



New Media Show

Gimlet Issues with Spotify

Libsyn.com (get a free month using code sopfree)

Red Circle

Sony ZV-10

Sony VZ-1

Elgato Facecam

Elgato Facecam Pro

Logitech C920

*links may include affiliate links and I may receive compensation for purchasing through these links.

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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