Today we talk with John Wilkerson who has SEVEN children about HOW THE HECK DO YOU PODCAST WITH SEVEN KIDS IN THE HOUSE? John has been podcasting since 2005 and has lots of tips. We talk about the following topics:
When do you know its time to podfade?
What kind of gear do you use?
Using your web host for a media host (I was surprised).
Tips for Podcasting With Children in the House
- Lots and lots of prep so you are ready to take advantage of every opportunity
- Get out of the house if possible (maybe the car?)/
- Go early or late (record while they are sleeping).
- Give yourself a limit (be focused)
- Reward your kids for being quiet (get them involved).
John has a full blog post at http://jesusgeek.info/5-tips-for-podcasting-when-you-have-little-kids/
John's current project is the Wired Homeschool. You can find it at http://thewiredhomeschool.com/
The Wired Homeschool provides practical advice for homeschooling parents who use technology as part of their homeschool curriculum. Topics include Internet safety, responsible computer use, smartphones, tablets, e-readers, educational apps, social media, and more.
Johns podcast has lead him being asked to speak at some conventions for homeschooling. How cool is that?
In the interview he explains how he has had other podcasts and as life and interests changed, John no longer had the same passion for those shows, but is very excited to be doing the Wired Homeschool podcast.
Last 5 in 5 From Mark from ohbeep.com (a GeoCaching Podcast)
Geo Gearheads – technical side of geo caching
Nerd Church – Geek News
Hollywood Babylon – Kevin Smith Humor
The Walk – podcast about health, fitness, weight loss and physical and spiritual well-being.
Conquer Depression, Anxiety and Stress
Podcast Rewind
A new episode of Building a Better Dave is out called “the Other Side of Christmas“.
Beyond iTunes on Podcasters' Roundtable
Podsafe for Peace
Hear the Behind the Scenes Recording of this if Every Day Were Christmas.
Original Podsafe for Peach recording website.
New version by Slau at CdBaby, and iTunes
Check out his podcast Sessions With Slau
Mentioned on the Show
rev.com a great – super fast turn around on transcriptions.
Michael Butler Rock and Roll Geek

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