In today's show we talk about the power of podcasting, as I talk about a person who purchased a fitness program after listening to one of my podcasts (and how integrity comes into play). I talk about some cool WordPress themes and some great insights into podcast promotion from Max Flight.
Podcast Success Story
I have been doing the Logical Weight Loss podcast for three years. I did some podcast consulting for David Greenwalt who turned out to be a fitness guru. He was nice enough to let me check out his Lifestyle University and I liked what he was doing. He just launched his once a year class Lifestyle 180, and I decide to join and have Dave on my show. It wasn't a giant commercial, but instead we just provided some facts and let the audience decide if they wanted to join me. The good news is a listener heard my podcast, and immediately signed up (and I earned $56 commission).
Cool WordPress Themes (One if Free)
In the past, I've used Thesis until they updated to version 2 (and I feel they ruined it). I purchased iThemes Builder (which I used in the past) only to find their “Style Manager” had a problem. So I went in search of a drag and drop WordPress theme and I found Pagelines. This at is a free WordPress theme that is free (do a search in your WordPress install for pagelines). The free version has a ton of easy to customize features. The pro version is $139.
The Builder Theme is $80 and it allows you to customize the colors, fonts, etc in their Style Manager. Then you can drag and drop your layout. It makes it super easy to design your website. Their are TONS of “Child Themes” that you can get access to and add to your website (A Child Theme is a premade layout and style that can save you time).
Max Flight on Podcast Promotion
Max flight produces the Airplane Geeks and Podcasting Passion podcasts. Today we talk about how new podcasters learn that creating the podcast is only part of the process. You need to get the word out about your podcast. Everyone always says, “Great Content” is the best tool for growing your audience. I always have said that you need to figure out who your audience is, figure out where they are, and go there and make friends. Then tell them about your podcast. Today Max provides some tips on how you can get your audience involved with helping to spread the word.
We hear how he is using Facebook, Questions, and regular segments from his audience into his Airplane Geeks. Max also produces the Podcasting Passion podcast
Speaking of podcast promotion, booktourradio.com and refocuspodcast.com to the podcastclicks.com website (a banner exchange program for podcasts only). We had over 14,837,913 impressions last year and we delivered 182,923 clicks to their websites.
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”]We ask the question “What is a better use of your time, creating great content or going out and telling people about your show?” Leave your answer in a comment[/content_box_light_blue]
Your question: they are the two sides of the same coin. 2c worth. Billy
They are two sides of the same coin, but give me an unfamiliar coin, and the first thing I’m going to do is look at the side that tells me the value. (Does this analogy work?) Great content is that side of the coin.
Normally I don’t like crossposting, but I think its appropriate in this case. Following is something I posted in the Podcasters Google+ Community…
“I wanted to pass along an update on something we’re doing that is having a great effect.
“We asked the listeners of our aviation podcast to send us short recordings about how they became involved in flying or in the aviation industry: Who was that one person who influenced them when they were a child? What was that airshow they attended where they saw the Blue Angels and said, “I’m going to fly a fighter!” Who took them under their wings (oh, a pun!) and said let’s go to the airport and watch the planes takeoff and land? What was that defining moment or who was that person that changed their life?
“Well, we’re getting great stuff! It’s good content for the show and it’s another example of getting listeners engaged. Plus it’s just simply wonderfully human to hear the stories of our listeners in their own words.
“This, and other things we do, builds community, listener involvement, and as a side benefit, promotion for the podcast. And to be perfectly frank, I’d rather expend energy doing this than playing with marginally effective SEO tricks. Just my opinion.”
I’d think this might be something you could do with your listeners. We’re having a blast with it.