I've known Vincent a few years and we always bump into each other at podcast events. Scott Johnson had mentioned his episode “Doing It Wrong Right From The Start.” So I looked into it, and I loved that Incent was having success and by some standards “breaking the rules” of podcasting. That sounded interesting, and that was just the start.
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The Wealth of Connection
The Wealth of Connection is now one of my favorite books. It's filled with lessons and stories which leads to an entertaining read that leaves you thinking.
Ignoring Standard Practices: Vincent Pugliese
Check out Vincent Pugliese's at totallifefreedom.com
Vincent did a TON of DAILY podcasts and released them to a private group before doing any podcasts for the general public.
He has no intro or outro music.
His only branding is his website which is also the name of his podcast Total Life Freedom.
Vincent is doing what I always advise my clients to do. Focus on the reception – not the broadcast.
He uses the “notes” app on his phone (again, it doesn't need to be fancy).
He focused on serving his audience, not on monetization.
He tried doing seasons and it just about wiped him out. So he focused on creating a podcast that works FOR HIM. It makes no sense to do a podcast that drains you to the point you don't want to do it.
Vincent is always looking for the next challenge, and if it doesn't work, you take what you've learned and use it on the next challenge.
When you start something, your launch timeframe is not 5 months. It's 5 YEARS, and for the next five years, you spend time moving that project forward.
VIncent also shares hits thoughts on impostor syndrome.
Check out Vincent at totallifefreedom.com and his book on Amazon and Audible (aff link)
Because of My Podcast: Kamuela Kaneshiro
Because of my podcast, I was able to improve my writing effectively monetize my podcast through books, inspire podcast listeners to embrace their heritage and not be embarrassed for who they are, and bring broken families together
Check out his show at http://www.LegendsFromThePacific.com
Question of the Month
Want some free exposure for your podcast? Go to
Go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/question
Check out the question and share your thoughts and insights. I assemble these for the last episode of the month.
Go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/question
Join the School of Podcasting
Where I Will Be:
May 26-29 :Podfest Multimedia Expo Orlando, Fl.
July 19-20: How to Make Real Money Podcasting Online
August 23-26 Podcast Movement, Dallas, TX
September9-10, Indie Pod Con 8 Philadelphia, PA
Oct 20-22 Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop Dayton, Oh
For the most up to date itinerary, go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/where
Mentioned In This Episode
Vincent in the Paradise City VIdeo (do not blink, this link takes you to the 2:04)