Fresh back from my trip to the Podcast Movement event, I share two stories of how podcasters are making a difference. We are being seen as the voice of customers; we are being seen as people who can influence others.

Corey Fineran of Ivy Envy Helps MLB Change a Rule

Corey shares how a contest for free Chicago Cubs tickets seemed unfair. He wrote a blog post and spoke honestly on his podcast. He was nervous when an official from the Cubs reached out to him. Then he found out his podcast and blog had been used to help change the rule for contests run by Major League baseball. For more information about the Ivy Envy show, go to

Blog Talk Radio Working on Updating Their Audio Quality

Dave Jackson Meets Andy Toh

I have not been a fan of Blog Talk Radio for a long time (their audio and other issues were pointed out in this post) so you can imagine when I was attending Podcast Movement 2014 and a Blog Talk Radio representative approached me. Then he started off his remarks with the phrase, “About your post…”

I was amazed when General Manager Andy Toh said he had taken my post and was using it to help rebuild Blog Talk Radio from the inside out. He explained how the new beta version will be able to export audio at 128kbps (CD Quality). Andy knows there will be a lot of improvements needed to get my official seal of approval, but the fact that Blog Talk Radio was even attending the vent, and that they are planning on making changes to their service shows their dedication to the community (where hosting companies like and were not in attendance). As always my two favorite providers and had booths and I will be talking about's redesigned app in a future episode.

Thanks to Steve Stewart of MoneyplanSoS for capturing this moment on his phone (watch video)

Mentioned in this Episode

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
2 comments on “Who Wants to Make a Difference?
  1. billy delaney says:

    Episodes like this are what keep me coming back to you and the show.
    I am going back through all the courses and working towards my first show.
    I have signed up for libsyn and I am moving along at a fairly good clip.
    Thanks Dave.
    You inspire me to do this…

  2. Thanks for including my “Because of my podcast…” story on this episode, Dave. Some of the biggest things we accomplish with our podcast happen without us trying.

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