Last Thursday I got to hang out with Adam Curry and his girlfriend Micky. Adam does the No Agenda show with John C Divorak. They talked about touring America. One of his listeners gave him the use of her RV / Motor home they have driven all over half the US. Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, new Jersey – THOUSANDS of miles. Throw on top it the record heat as they went through Texas. You've heard me mention the No Agenda show before. They have a program where the dub listeners “Knights” if the donate $1000 or more (and some people have been knighted multiple times). As he traveled Adam gets a first hand view and show content from his listeners (did you know there is a vaccination for shyness). Also at the meetups? More donations. One person even became a knight. People drive from Michigan (3 hours away), Cleveland (1 hour away) and more. Does podcasting build a loyal audience? You tell me.

Dave Jackson and Adam Curry
Book Review Tricks of the Podcasting Masters
I've up to about 6 podcast books now and Tricks of the Podcasting Masters is one of the best if you're looking for a “how to” recipe from soups to nuts that's up to date. For instance, it has a nice writeup and diagram for a Skype call with wiring and descriptions. But it's not simply theory – the authors offer practical advice on do's & don't, lucid examples of the “big boys”, etc. And the final chapters discuss marketing, revenue generation, and biz planning – a nice finish. Many will still want “Podcasting for Dummies” but this is also a worthwhile addition. Listen to Dave interview Rob Walch (Author) talk about this book.
-Michael Nistler
More on Fair Use and Music in Podcasts
Charles from called in and asked about some podcasters who have gone through the hassle of licensing music for their podcast. One person is Brian Ibbott who produces the Coverville podcast. Brian actually explained some of the process he went through (and more of that lovely Legal stuff) on the Podcast Solutions podcast.
Your Idea is Awesome
Thanks to Daniel Johnson Jr for putting this on his facebook page. People hear another person's podcast and they think, “I could never do that” when in reality they could. They are just as great as anyone else. The great thing about podcasting is YOU are in control. You are the editor, producer, etc. If one of the things that is stopping you from starting a podcast is the technical part of putting up a website, please contact me. In some cases you can actually have your website created and made podcast ready for FREE.

is this a joke???
ron paul 2012
Adam Curry as The Architect
John C Dvorak As The friend of the Archetect(aka First Buddy)
Barry Obama As himself
Lucifer Clinton As ? HRC 2016 (OK??)
Hot Pocket 2016??? Really Really???
Ron Paul 2012 ??? Really ??
Occupy WalMart ???
Occupy +++++ Street ??? = Tea Party (?? dem ?? rep??) opposite day ???
Corparate America, is ruining USA Sold Our ______ to China!
top 5% Sold out the rest, Top of pyramid on 1 dollar bill is the all knowing eye of _____
But really now who knows what tommorow brings??? The future is ours to see
chin up
sun will come out tommorow???
till it runs out of fuel
then what … super Nova???
melt down, massive expansion followed by slow colapse(thats what they told me in field trip in elemntary school in 1970’s New jersey!!! where i went to public school k-12