I've been talking about your podcast from TOP to Bottom over the last couple of weeks. Sometimes its good to go back to the basics and reexamine our shows. The first week we talked about Headlines (the title of your show notes), and I provided a free guide with tools to help you write better Blog Post Titles. Last week we talk about the importance of your introduction and how it is your first impression. This week we are talking about the meat and potatoes of the meal. Your content.
Because of my Podcast Jason Marshall
Jason from the We Don't have Cookies podcast tells a story that has lead him to get a job on radio, as well as appearances on television all because of his podcast.
Be Part of Our Last episode of the Year
Answer the question, “My favorite podcast is..” and explain WHY leave your answers HERE (deadline 11/31)
I've mentioned the book [easyazon_link identifier=”0849921902″ locale=”US” tag=”sop2-20″]Secrets of Dynamic Communications: Prepare with Focus, Deliver with Clarity, Speak with Power[/easyazon_link] available at Amazon which is a great book for shaping your content. I've always said that before you press record you should ask yourself, “What about this topic is going impact my listener enough to want them to tell a friend?” If you can't answer that, then maybe you shouldn't press record.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do I have a crystal clear objective about this topic. How do you get crystal clear about a subject? By knowing your audience and what they need or want to hear.
What points do I need to make to obtain my objective?
Don't worry about what they think about YOU, instead think about THEM.
Get To the Point
With Thanksgiving right around the corner when I to my Grandmother's house it was great seeing all my cousins, it was great smelling all the food, it was great eating crackers or whatever little munchies they had out out, but for the most part I wanted the TURKEY and HOME MADE MASHED POTATOES. It was the same at Christmas. My Grandfather would read the Christmas story before we opened presents (a tradition my brother continues). Then we had to sing some Carols. THEN, FINALLY we would open presents.
Your audience is here for the presents.
What do you have a hard time waiting for?