
About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

Why Do You Podcast?

Most of my podcasts I’m giving you information, but today I’m asking for some information from you. Call in your comments 888-563-3228 (or record a quick mp3 and email it to me dave “at” schoolofpodcasting “dot” com). Podcasting can help you build a relationship with your audience.  Musicians have found this over the years. Don’t…

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USB Headset Test

Today I answer a few questions about intro/outro music. Charles Maxwood had asked about intro and outro music. First of all, I think it’s important to have into and outro music. It sets the tone of the podcast. It gives it a professional feel. The music I use for this podcast’s intro and outro music…

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