
About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

Calling Your Audience to Action

Today we get a phone call from Rich Palmer of Audio Gumshoe who chimes in our discussion from last week about how far podcasting has come since it began. Its much easier to consume podcasts, there are more and more devices that are building directories for podcasts. Greg Fitzsimmons Finding Loyal Audience with Podcasting Greg…

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Taking Another Look at Podcasting

I was reading the Libsyn blog, and I thought about all the things that have changed in the past six years. iTunes exists iPhones Exists Wi-Fi hots spots everywhere Blackberry phones are now more entertainment oriented Adnroid Phones can subscribe to Podcasts – no computer needed More people moving away from television and consuming content…

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