The show is filled with “Because of My Podcast” stories. We also have a great example of a good question, and a reminder that Apple is going on Holiday soon (very important if you wanted a podcast ready to go in January 20201).
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Because of My Podcast, I Got a Book Published, that Inspired a Podcast
I was contacted by a publisher to write the book Profit from Your Podcast: Turn Your Listeners Into Livelihood and it took a lot of work, but it's getting very good reviews. This lead David Hooper (author of the book Big Podcast, and host of Red Podcast and Big Podcast) along with Jeff Sanders of the 5 AM Miracle podcast (author of the book with the same name) got together to create a series called Podcast Profits which promotes my book.
The podcast is called Podcast Profits: Make Money (and more) With Your Podcast
Dave called me to let me know what he was planning, and to make sure it was OK to have “Because of My Podcast” stories. As they were talking about me, I was fine with that. I was really surprised that they didn't mention/plug their podcasts or their company Voxphonix until the last episode (and it was very minimal).
Because of My Podcast, Leslie Eiler Thompson Got to Participate in the Iditarod Dog Race in Alaska
Leslie is a Multimedia Producer & Creator in Nashville, and she shares the story of not only being able to interview one of the top champions in Sled Dog Racing, but she eventually ended up as part of his team and participated in the race.
Rick Coste Interview: Audio Drama Podcast Leads to Bigger Things
Because of His Podcast, Rick Coste Got to Work with Marvel
Rick Coste approached me with a “Because of My Podcast” story. He's got an agent who wants to turn his podcast Evolution Talk into a book. He's been on TV and got to work with Marvel on their This Week in Marvel podcast as well as their Women of Marvel podcast. He does sound design and post-production as well as producing other shows (see https://www.rickcoste.com/podcast-production/ )
His first crack at audio drama the Behemoth is still getting very impressive downloads. Rick shares how he creates his soundscapes, his technology, and insights into sound effects.
17:12 Rick Coste Interview
17:54 When did Rick get into podcasting?
19:39 Getting into audio dramas
20:50 How did you find actors?
22:25 Impressive Downloads
24:10 Getting to work with Marvel
26:40 Tips for Starting an Audiodrama
28:27 What software Rick Uses
28:45 Sound effects resources
29:21 Struggling with perfection
30:53 Giving notes to actors
34:06 Passion Project?
Check Out Rick at:
Now That's a Good Question
This is a new segment I am adding today. While I hear people say “That's a good question” when IT'S JUST NOT. So now, when I hear an actual good question, I thought I would spotlight it.
This example is from an interview by Lars Ulrich (the drummer for Metallica) who is interviewing Noel Gallagher (of Oasis) and Lars asks him how he feels about doing some of the older songs that were mammoth hits in the 90's when he has his own solo songs now. Noel starts to answer the question on how it makes his audience feel, Lars interrupts and asks, “But what do they mean to YOU.”
Lars then does something brilliant and Noel takes a deep breath. He shuts up and lets him think. The longer he lets him think – the better the answer. Eventually, Noel explains how those songs mean the world to him. Noel wasn't really answering the question, and Lars pointed him in the right direction. Catch the who interview on YouTube
Thanks to Wayne Henderson of mediavoiceovers.com for his awesome tones.
Podcast Rewind: Where I've Been
13:58 I appeared on The Author Inside You Podcast talking about listening to your audience and the book Profit From Your Podcast
16:26 I appear on Podcasting Experiments talking about the book Profit From Your Podcast
What Is Your Favorite Podcast and Why?
Every year the last episode is you answering the question, “What is your favorite podcast and why.” Now I want to know about your show as well, so if I answered the question it would sound like this:
Hey this is Dave Jackson and I host the School of Podcasting show where I help you plan, launch, and grow your podcast. You can find me at schoolofpodcasting.com. My favorite show is (name of show ) at (their website address) where they (what they talk about on their show) and the reason I love it is (as a detailed answer as you can provide).
I need the answer by December 14th.
Apple Holiday Schedule
The door to have a show ready on all the platforms come January 2021 is closing. Dont' forget Apple goes on holiday twice between now and then. Here is their holiday schedule:
November 22 to December 2
December 23 to January 2
Which means you should submit your show to them almost immediately. If you have questions, let's schedule a coaching call.
Mentioned In this Podcast
Profit from Your Podcast: Turn Your Listeners Into Livelihood
Dave on the Business of Podcasting Show Part 1, Part 2
Check out Leslie on the Podcast Review Show