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Blubrry Tools (part I)
One of my Podcast Fast Pass clients is using tools from www.blubrry.comThe first one I started using was their PowerPress Plugin. To me, this is like “everything and I love about Podpress with all the things I hate about Podpress left out.” It does your iTunes, puts a streaming player on your site, it has the ability to work with Podtrac (or Blubrry stats), and provides the ability for listeners to download the file or play in a Pop Up window (all of which is customizable). The only downside is you can change the color of the player.
Blubrry Premium Stats
I've also started using their premium stats service on one of my client's sites. It provides QUICK stats, and show everything like referrers, what they are using as a podcastcher (itunes, zune, juice), it shows you their operating system. I do like Libsyn stats that show the total times a podcast has been downloaded. So far so good.
The stats are set up using what I call “the Podtrac method” where you put in a redirect before your media URL. The best thing is if you are using their powerpress plugin, you enter this redirect location once and forget about it (and the plugin puts it into the episode automatically). This is again one of my favorite features of Podpress (that broke a while back in version 7ish…) and now works great in PowerPress.
What's the difference between blurbrry stats and podtrac? It appears blubrry gives you more details (a few), except podtrac also provides a tool to measure demographics (age, income, of listeners). The blubrry network also works with Podtrac (when you are using blubrry to help find advertisers). PoPodtrac makes it a bit easy to see the stats per episode at a glance. However, blurbrry gets you great stats (as in you can dig deeper) per episode (so you can see an operating system of this episode).
Why would I use these stats?
More and more people are talking about using Amazon S3 to host their media as its very cheap (.15 gig for storage and .17 per gig of bandwidth). So you have the “back bone” of amazon.com and the ability to track your downloads (as S3 doesn't have any stats out of the box).
Meet the Members: Fred Castaneda
Fred has 9 Different Podcasts including:
Struggling Entrepreneur
Gain Control of Your Day (free and Paid Version)
Jungle Warrirors (Great Audio Book)
CASABLANCA to VE Day (Another great audio Book)
Austin Podcasters Meetup
Combat Infantrymen's Association (Austin Tx)
Whats New at IMB
http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=267037423 (itunes)
Arriba folklorico music and dance of Mexico
His exposure via podcasting may be leading to a career as a consultant for movies.
People Choice Podcast Awards
These kick off on September 15th at http://www.podcastawards.com/ be careful with these. Too much begging for votes = bad content = loss of listeners.
Additional Sites Mentioned

Quick question…you say “The only down side is you can change the color of the player.” Did you mean to say “can’t”? A friend just told me that she’s changed the color on her Blubrry Player, but I can’t figure out how to do this…that’s how I ended up on your site. Just wondering…can you or can’t you? Thanks so much!! 🙂
Correct. The html 5 player is black, and only black at this point