Bossjock Studio – My Best in Show

I'm not sure if they have an official “Best in Show” award at Blogworld last week, but there was one piece of technology made me go, “WOA! That's Cool” That is the Boss Jock Studio application for iPhone. This cool tool lets you record a podcast directly from your iPhone. It lets you mix in music, export it to your website, soundcloud, ftp, etc. I got to hear what its like to record, I did NOT get to hear the recording. There is some pretty impressive compression and automatic volume leveling that looks impressive. I'm hoping to have someone record something so I can hear (after all you are using the microphone from the iPhone – I don't see where you can plugin in an external microphone). There are plans for an iPad version as well in the future. I was told that the Android operating system has a latency (echo) problem currently. Here is a quick demonstration.

It's only $10 for the app, and for those looking for an easy portable system, this may be the answer (again, I've not heard a recording created on the bossjock).
bossjock studio - the bossjocks

Chris Marquart from Tips from the Top Floor
Listen to Chris fiddle with this. It outputs at CDquality mp3.

Ray Ortega Shows Off BossJock on a Laptop

My friend Ray Ortega from the Podcasters Studio is a whiz at video and he made a great video showing how he plugged the Audio Technica 2100 directly into an iPad (as of 1/20/12 you can't plug the 2100 into an iPhone – it's an Apple thing, not a bossjock thing).

Audio Technica ATR 2100 USB mic into Bossjock podcast app for iOS from Ray Ortega on Vimeo.

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
17 comments on “Bossjock Studio – My Best in Show
  1. Dave, thank you so much for the love! We are asking users to share their bossjock recordings so we can tweet them out on the @bossjockapp account.

    The video you embedded has audio captured directly from within bossjock. I just synced it up to the video.

    Albert Hathazi posted this recording on his soundcloud:

    Also, I recorded an A/B test in bossjock studio with the newly released iRig Mic Cast and the iPhone 4s built-in mic:
    We are going to test various external mic solutions and post audio samples for them.

    Thank you again!

  2. Dave, thank you so much for the love!

    We are asking bossjock studio users to share their recordings with us so we can tweet them out on our @bossjockapp account.

    The audio in the demo video was captured directly from bossjock. I synced it up with the video but there is no other processing.

    Albert Hathazi posted this bossjock recording on SoundCloud:

    I did an A/B comparison with the newly released iRig Mic Cast and the iPhone 4s built-in mic. We want to look for good external mic solutions and make bossjock recordings available for people to hear the results. This recording was exported directly from bossjock and tests the mics in both quiet and noisy environments:

    Thanks Again!

  3. Oops, thought that first post fell through the cracks 🙂

    We just tested the new Apogee MiC with bossjock and the results are very nice and professional. This mic is on the expensive side, but it plugs into the dock connector of the iPhone and gets all of its power from there. We put up a sample here:

    Thanks again Dave!

  4. Paul Clifford says:

    This is a cool idea. I’ve got an XLR to iPhone headset cable. This would be perfect for just having an SM58, headphones, and viola finished podcast without more work. I might just need to get this so I podcast more often. Something else for the rewrite of Podcasting Church.


  5. Thank you for reviewing BossJock. I have looked at it before and been tempted to purchase it, but after hearing episode 338 of the podcast I decided to bite the bullet and finally purchase it through your affiliate link.

    Thanks for the many great tips Dave.

  6. Dave Jackson says:

    Thanks Bill. I like it. The rendering is slow, but its not a pc. Its an iphone

  7. Carey says:

    So Dave, I’m assuming from your comments here that there is not yet a BossJock app for android? Do you have any idea on when it is scheduled to come out?

  8. Its not a bossjock thing as it is an android thing. YOu need a good foundation to build on…

  9. Ray Ortega says:

    Hey Dave, I just found this while looking into options for the iPhone version and wanted to say thanks for embedding my video and the shout-out with link! You’ll be happy to know you rank well for Bossjock;)

  10. Ray your video stuff always shines like the son.

  11. Pingback: Quit Spending Too Much On Podcasting Equipment - David Jackson - Podcast Consultant and Coach
  12. Igor Ramos says:

    There’s a great companion device for the bossjock app. It’s called RECAP.

    It let you interview a guess in an iPhone call or Skype call and get the sound into the BossJock app. The device is now funding on Kickstarter.
    this is the project page:
    and here’s a an interview done by Today in iOS where the device is employed.

  13. Al says:

    Hi.. I have a mac mini and wanted to put the Bossjock in the Mac Mini as i do a music show at internet radio station using NiceCast software .to broadcast . I wanted to use Bossjock to play my jingles and Psa’s promo’s . How can i do this .



  14. Bossjock is for the ipad and iphone. I’m not sure its available for the Mac (I’m more of a PC person).

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