Are USB Devices That Much Quieter?

Today we go in search of the answer, “Are USB device really that much quieter? Well in the case plugging my mixer into the microphone in jack of my computer I would say yes. When I compared the sound of a [easyazon-link asin=”B001EW5YQS”]Blue Microphones Icicle XLR to USB Mic Converter/Mic Preamp[/easyazon-link] to that of the sound of…

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From Picking Produce to Picking a Career

Ray Ortega decided to start a podcast about what he knew: produce. A few years later he took what he knew: how to podcast and turned it into a career. Ray is the host of the Podcasters Studio podcast. In this interview we talk about 1. What stops people from starting a podcast 2. Twitter…

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