This is show 194 that originates at www.schoolofpodcasting.com
The Importance of ID3 Tags
I got an email from a listener of one of my listeners:
“I recently also subscribed to Weekly Web Tools and downloaded all the back episodes. When listening back to them, they are all out of order, since they are sorted by title if there isn't a track number set. Most of the other podcasts I listen to have the podcast number in the track number field and/or put the episode in the track title, so all my other podcasts have played back in order on my iPod.
Make sense? Not a biggie if it's too much trouble. I'll be caught up soon, so it won't matter as much then.
BTW, best wishes, and I hope the honeymoon is still going! ;-
With my weekly web tools podcast I was using the Gigavox audio builder lite until it was sold, broken by podango so my ID3 tags are inconsistent on that podcast. You can see a few things from this email.
1. People will go back and download you back shows
2. People appreciate the little things that make it easier for them (like ID3 Tags)
3. Podcasting builds relationships as he knew I was getting married.
The great thing about this tag (track) is if a person downloads you back catalog (like this listener did) they can listen in sequence. For more information about adding ID3 tags to your mp3 file (you can use iTunes) check out the frequently asked podcast questions section at schoolofpodcasting.com/help
Free Podcasting Tools
Podcasting Toolbar
I have updated podcastingtoolbar.com this is a toolbar that puts lots of great podcasting resources a few clicks away. You have podcasting news, podcast discussion forums, free podsafe music, social media, links to shop for podcast gear, podcast reviews and more. I sue it to check all of my gmail accounts with a few clicks. It works on Internet Explorer and Firefox
Check it out at www.podcastingtoolbar.com
Tele Prompt Software
While I've played with other teleprompting software titles in the past and they were kind of clunky. This software not only has an easy to use interface, but it has a built in recorder. The great thing about this is in the past you had to have your audio recording software going, and the additional tele prompter software. Now this software allows you to record inside the tele prompter software (so you only have one program running). You can save as a WAV file and then through that into audacity, or whatever audio program you are using to add your intro and outro music (and don't forget your id3 tags).
There is a free version available if you want to check it out at teleprompt.com (the paid version is $69).
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Thanks for giving ID3 tags a plug. The misuse or indeed complete lack of ID3 tags is one of my pet peeves–to the point that I’ve written two posts about them on the Reports from the Asylum blog lately.