00:00:58 Slow Down When You Talk About Yourself
00:03:08 Podcast Magazine
00:08:50 Glow.fm Interview
00:31:38 Fun with Math
00:42:28 Question of the Month
00:43:26 Podcasting Events
00:45:33 schoolofpodcasting.com/start
Different Ways of Accepting Money From Your Podcast
Today I talk with Amira Valliani the CEO of Glow.fm
If you can make it EASY for your audience to give you money in either a one time, monthly, or yearly format. You can provide suggested amounts but they can change it (if you let them). The key is you want to make it easy for people to sign up. The easier it is to give you money, the less value that needs to be present.
This is a website and app that allows you to create tiers of support. Think of it as a crowdfunding site like Kickstarter that keeps on going. You can also upload audio directly to Patreon and provide a private RSS feed for the use. If they cancel their subscription they lose access. Patreon 8% for their pro plan (does not include processing fees which are typically around 3%). This means the podcaster keeps 89%.
This is a website and custom app where you can have public and private information. You can set your podcast to have the latest (X amount) of episodes for free and then the older episodes you need to pay to hear. This is a “Set it and forget it” system. The podcaster keeps 70-80% based on the number of members you have.
For those who just want to accept donations/payments (one time, monthly, or yearly) you only pay the processing fees (as they use stripe that would be 2.9% + 30¢). If you want to have bonus content or private content, they charge .55 per user. If someone pays you $2 that means you keep 73%. Keep in mind the more people pay, the higher the percentage. For example, if someone pays $5 a month that means you keep 89%
Never Forget the Rule of 3%
While it would be great to get 50% or 30% or even 10% of your audience, most people find that 3% is based in reality with 5% being a really good example.
How is Glow Different?
There are tools like Paypal that allow you to make branded landing pages see http://paypal.me/podcastcoach or https://cash.app/$schoolofpodcasting With the cash.app you need to download an app and create an account. With Paypal you need to provide an email address to pay with a credit card (you can pay without having a paypal account). They all seem to take the same 3%.
With Glow after you pay a podcast it will ask you if you want to complete your setup (optional), but if you continue you choose a password and now you have a Glow.fm account. I could be missing something, but I'm not seeing a ton of difference except glow.fm gives you a little more control over your brand (although I wish companies would tell you what size of the image to use instead of letting up guess).
Premium Plans
If you have a listener pay you $5/month you would
Keep $4.30 with Glow.fm (5 – (.55+.15))
Keep $4.45 with Patreon (5 – (.4+.15)
In doing the math, you don't make more money selling bonus/private content until you charge $13/month. In that instance, you would keep $11.36 with Glow, and $11.28 with Patreon.
Also, keep in mind with Patreon you can upload audio (and get ZERO stats on downloads). With Glow.fm you can use most media hosts to provide private feed for your bonus content.
Buy Dave a Coffee
If you've like to support the show as well as see Glow in action CLICK HERE
or go to https://www.glow.fm/schoolofpodcasting
Podcast Magazine Launching in January
I will be appearing in the inaugural edition of Podcast Magazine. In having some email back and forth with Editor in Chief Seve Olsher he said there are three reasons for starting this magazine.
1) We are passionate about podcasting and want to do our part to support its growth.
Podcasting has, we believe, reached an important tipping point for either attaining critical mass or returning to its roots as a compelling tool for hobbyists. We are unabashedly committed to doing whatever we can to ensure that podcasting’s current status reflects its embryonic stages rather than the maturation of the medium.
2) We strive to serve podcast FANS, taking them ‘Beyond The Microphone’ and into the lives of today’s leading podcasters and the shows they love.
While there are several publications that do a wonderful job of covering podcasters and the industry at large, their focus is not on serving listeners. Our goal is to create the preeminent lifestyle publication that veraciously serves podcast fans while exploring the ever-evolving world of its culture.
3) And perhaps most importantly, we are committed to leveling the playing field for ALL podcasters.
As a podcaster since 2009 when we launched our first episode of Reinvention Radio, and continuing with Beyond 8 Figures (and, soon, the Podcast Magazine Podcast, of course!), I have witnessed firsthand the challenges of being a “mere mortal” without a huge platform who is unable to break onto the charts simply by “bouncing” existing fans and followers toward one’s new podcast.
Breaking into the ascending spiral of Apple’s, Spotify’s, or Stitcher’s (to name a few) charts is incredibly difficult. Podcasts that are popular rank in the charts; new listeners find these shows because they’re visible and subsequently download, rate, review, and subscribe to them. As a result, these podcasts continue their popularity ascent, making it nearly impossible for other shows to be discovered.
To aid in addressing this issue, each month, the 19 Podcast Magazine Category Directors highlight an “Under The Radar” show that podcast fans likely haven’t heard of, but should be listening to; select a personal favorite for “Off The Charts”, which showcases Podcast Magazine’s Top Podcast Picks of the Month, and…
Each month we release the industry’s only fan-driven chart:
Podcast Magazine’s Hot 50!
To make this happen, we need to hear from YOU.
What are YOUR favorite podcasts? What shows can’t you get enough of? What podcasts do you feel should receive more recognition?
You will be able to leave your input coming soon.
Each month, we’ll tally the results, and a new Podcast Magazine Hot 50 chart will be released. Will some of the more popular shows appear on our charts? Odds are, they will.
However, we also have strong confidence that a significant number of podcasts that aren’t among the current “usual suspects” will make it onto the Hot 50. And we very much look forward to introducing you to them.
In today’s divisive times, it is easier than ever to be a critic… and hard to be a creator.
Those who have the audacity to podcast are creators, and we will do everything we can to support them.
Thank you for sharing our enthusiasm and accompanying us on this journey.
Steve Olsher
For more information see http://www.podcastmagazine.com
Slow Down When Talking About Your Podcast
On the latest version of the Podcast Review Show, we reviewed a podcast that spoke at a very fast rate when discussing those items that were repeated every episode. The problem is new listeners can't understand what you are saying it. You can get your show reviewed at http://www.podcastreviewshow.com/reviewme
Podcasting Events This Week
1/20 Northeast Ohio Podcast Meetup
1/21 California Podcast Association – Oakland, California
1/22-25 Brooklyn Podcast Festival
1/23 Atlanta, “LIVE On-Stage Podcast Event with Audience and Networking”
1/24 The Voices of Dentistry -Scottsdale Arizona
1/24 Mass Media Podcast Online Event
1/24 Outlier Podcast Festival – Salt Lake City
For more events see http://podcastingevents.net/
I Will be Appearing at the Following Events
January 24-26
Mass Media Podcast Summit
(use coupon SCHOOL )
February 8th
Bay Area Independent Publishers Assoc.
Novato, CA
February 12-15th
Podcast Movement Evolutions
Los Angelas, Ca
February 21-22
Spark Christian Podcast Conference
Houston, TX
March 6-8
Podfest Multimedia Expo
Orlando, Fl
June 12-13
Utah Podcast Summit
Sandy, Utah
Start Your Podcast
Join the School of Podcasting and get access to the courses, the private group coaching, and the private Facebook group. Go to http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/start