I read a Podcast Academy: The Business Podcasting Book: Launching, Marketing, and Measuring Your Podcast and there was a cool publicity tip about using feedburner's headline animator. I had seen that a while ago, but was unaware they had an option to allow visitors to “grab this code” and put the widget on their site. In theory you could let your audience make your show go a bit more viral. When I went over I also saw that you could use your own background. I quickly create a small graphic with my logo and place for my headlines and POOF it was done in about 10 minutes.
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Educat Today -a 30-minute weekly podcast that discusses and explains different educational issues affecting the teachers and students of today
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Don't Lie About Your Numbers to Sponsors
As it is fall here in Ohio, and its almost time to start raking leaves. If I went to the store to buy a box of leaf bags, I might look at the box of bags and say “100 Bags for 10 bucks, thats' .10 a bag and I like the deal and buy them.” I go home and after bagging 30 bags of leaves, I go to get more and the box is empty. It lied about the number of bags in the box. Now instead of paying .10 for a bag, I paid .33 a bag. Would ou be upset to may three times as much? I would.
This is what happens when you inflate your numbers to try to get sponsors. If they do advertise on your show, they probably won't like the return on investment as it will not hit the numbers they are looking for. Keep things real, honest, and let the advertiser make an educated decision.
Special thanks to Todd Cochrane of the blubrry.com for his insight into this topic. If you're interested in making money with your podcast check out my soon to be published book “More Podcast Money.”
Fun Fact
This podcast took 1 hours and 15 minutes from start to finish.
Ready to start planning, producing, promoting, your very own podcast? Sign up today at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/join
Custom Headline Animator